Dawn Of The Third Age ... Comments, Feedback
Submitted by garthagain on Tue, 2017-08-01 15:47 | ||
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The route South from the Skye Outpost to the Utrean Ruins, starts in an Easterly direction. You will enter. a foggy area were you probably have to take some evasive action in order to get through. Particularily, Avoid The Giant Gargatuax. There are two groups of fairies in this area that will help distract enemies away from your party. Once the Gargantuax is distracted, you can take him out, or just move on.
In the Troll cave there are ... Trolls, and quite a few bats. Once through the cave there should be no really deadly oppostion, and the path turns South at one point.
Here again there is a need for more signs. Follow any signs towards Ellennu or the Sulpher Geysers. There are two signs pointing to the ruins, both in the area close to them. There are two ways to enter the ruins, a distance from each other.
In the Utrean Ruins, the main opposition, before you get to the Quest, is from Celt Marauders and Bandits.
I am interested in any observations regarding framerate drops on this route. There is a noticable drop in the foggy area, and may be other places were it noticebly decreases. I believe it's working, but reports on this are helpful.
Note; You can't get there from West Bay or Eastport.
I've lowered the damage levels. They will range from 200 max. to 120, the default, in Vers.1.2.
In Vers.1.1 some are set to 500 and 400 max. damage.
Broken World, Restarted with new party
*** Act 1 "Continuum" ***
1. "Continuum" Completed
2. "Haku Mischief" Completed
3. "Trolls" Completed
4. "Demons" Completed
5. "Leyline Disruption" Completed
6. "Prime Location" completed
7. "It Might Work" Completed
8. "Not Done Yet" Completed
9. "Abandoned Goods" Completed
10. "Strange Lights" Completed
11. "The Stelae of Life" Completed
12. "Oytissohwa" Completed
13."Chief Thief" Completed
14. "Dark Wizards" Completed
15. "Ritual Binding" Completed
Act2 "East"
1. "Under Siege" Completed
2. "The Crown Jewels" Completed
3. "Harpies" Completed
4. "Dragon Stones" Completed
5. "Morden Stronghold" Completed
6. "Supply Line" Completed
7. "Explosive Situation" Completed
***Act 3 "North" ***
1. "Business Plan" Completed
2. "Dragon Priests" Completed
3. "Unnannull" Completed
4. "Joined Forces" Completed
5. "The Legion Garrison" Completed
6. "Boundaries Crossed" Completed
7. "Magnus Bane" Completed
8. "The Cosmic Connection" Completed
9. "They Found A Way" Completed
10. "Life Stone" Completed
*** Secondary quest ***
1. "Garth's Crystal" Completed Oh very tricky it was the last place I looked.
1. After a very long walk I reached the Utraean Ruins by the back door.
2. I guess now to reach veterans level from Broken World I need to play a game of DS2. Not sure if this will work but we shall see.
UPDATE It appears The I would have to play the last third of the Mercenary Broken World Game that I got the pre-made character from then Play a veteran level Game of Dungeon Siege II and then a Veteran level Game of Broken World, before I could play a veteran level game of Dawn of the Third Age. Seems a waist of time to me. I will just wait for the next release of some map be it Dawn of the Third Age or the Legendary Mod.
For now I will just continue on with the game I was playing in LoA. Not sure which map it was but I can play all the LoA maps with my eyes closed.
Thanks for the excellent reports bare_elf. Several improvements being made in Vers.1.2 are based on the observations made.in your posts.
I spent the last two nights building a new party so I could run through the map from DS2 (using the Elys Succubus Manager). The party consists of 5 rangers and 1 combat mage.
Lili (Human) Level 76 Master Sharpshooter. Helm, Boots, Gloves, Amulet and rings all have some level of damage reflected to enemy.
Karma (Elf) Level 76 Master Sharpshooter. Helm, Boots, Gloves, Amulet and rings all have some level of damage reflected to enemy.
Tiahna (Dryad) Level 76 Master Sharpshooter. Helm, Boots, Gloves, Amulet and rings all have some level of damage reflected to enemy.
Fiathna (Dryad) Level 76 Master Sharpshooter. Helm, Boots, Gloves, Amulet and rings all have some level of damage reflected to enemy.
Arisu (Dryad) Level 76 Grand Sorceress. Helm, Boots, Gloves, Amulet and rings all have some level of damage reflected to enemy.
Cotton Candy (DE Wolf) Level 76 Master Sharpshooter.
I learned when playing the game using Broken World and fighting the Bandits and such Damage reflected to enemy was a very useful thing. Also there are several useful powers. The first is Invulnerability and each of the non wolf characters have level 3, the non wolf rangers also have Level 3 Charged Shots. My combat mage has enegery orb and gathered bolt both at level 3. Also my non wolf rangers all have a custom bow with greater range and damage. So this time I might have an easier go of things. Only time will tell.
1st attempt at killing Haku was disaster.. the level 3 Haku ganged up and defeated my level 39 mage with ease...perhaps I need to recruit some party members next time if I can find some.
moral of story never underestimate the enemy, big things come in small packages.
Health steal is also important and applies to AoE weapon damage
One thing you can do if the Haku near Ellennu are too much, is run back to Ellennu. They will chase you, but once the guards attack them, they'll be distracted. Then you can pick them off while they are fighting the guards. A level 39 character should level up quite a bit, if you do manage to get them.
Still though, if you are having trouble with the Haku, you will have even bigger trouble elsewhere. It is touch and go even with a level 50 to 55 party of six.
There is an innkeeper in Skye, and one in Eastport, if you have party members you can recruit.
Dawn of the Third Age has no recruit-able characters so you either need to use a party from a previous game save or build a party on another map. Then things would be easier. Our wolves are at the pet shop (if you have the mod installed) you could get 5 of them.
Please tell me what kind of mod (or mods) to get wolves at the pet shop?
I will start "Dawn of The Age" when I (we) get version 1.2... with level 45 party (4 peoples) with eventually with pets
The wolf mod is here https://www.siegetheday.org/files/wolfydeds2a13.zip. MAKE SURE to read the read-me file and other documentation as there are several options.
"The wolf mod is here https://www.siegetheday.org/files/wolfydeds2a13.zip. MAKE SURE to read the read-me file and other documentation as there are several options"
Thanks Bare_Elf but...
But the file have no read-me file just a file call "wolfydeds2a13.ds2res" (8,13 Mo). I try tomorrow (monday) to see what I can with different maps. Wait and See
Sorry ulyss the read-me files and options are for the DS1/LoA version.
Played from DS2 Using Elys Succubus Manager Start
*** Act 1 "Continuum" ***
1. "Continuum"
2. "Haku Mischief" Completed
3. "Trolls" Completed
4. "Demons" Completed
5. "Leyline Disruption" Completed
6. "Prime Location" Completed
7. "It Might Work"
8. "Not Done Yet"
9. "Abandoned Goods"
10. "Strange Lights"
11. "The Stelae of Life"
12. "Oytissohwa"
13."Chief Thief"
14. "Dark Wizards"
15. "Ritual Binding"
1. While looking around for part of the Leyline Disruption quest I walked into Harpies and Dragon Stones quests finished them too.
2. With the right party members and the right equipment, powers and spells things are a piece of cake. I like cake, my party however likes to munch on monsters.
It would be interesting to face the challanges on this map with regluar/official content once, and maybe with a party equipment that doesn't consist only of unique/set items (or other generously tweaked content).
Concerning the balancing, that would give a much better impression.
I'm not running any mods affecting balance, just ring removal, outline removal, and party size.
Shortly before uploading the map, most damage levels were increased, and while they were tested, the testing was not as thorough as I would have liked. Time ran out on me.
Now finding some damage levels here and there have to be lowered. Also now have to consider the apparent harder play through when using the Broken World exec. All of my testing, before uploading the map was done using the DS2Mod exec. Never thought there would be a difference.
What I generally endeavored to do is make things somewhat tougher, the further you get from the start point. Believe the leveling up, and experience gains are set fairly well, though there could possibly be some fine tuning.
In my play throughs, I had widely varying experiences with different partys of the same level, and this even with only default resources.
Dungeon Siege 2 – Pass 2 – Elys Succubus Manager
*** Act 1 "Continuum" ***
1. "Continuum"
2. "Haku Mischief" Completed
3. "Trolls" Completed
4. "Demons" Completed
5. "Leyline Disruption" Completed
6. "Prime Location" completed
7. "It Might Work" completed
8. "Not Done Yet" completed
9. "Abandoned Goods" completed
10. "Strange Lights" completed
11. "The Stelae of Life"
12. "Oytissohwa"
13."Chief Thief"
14. "Dark Wizards" completed
15. "Ritual Binding" completed
Act2 "East"
1. "Under Siege"
2. "The Crown Jewels"
3. "Harpies" Completed
4. "Dragon Stones" Completed
5. "Morden Stronghold"
6. "Supply Line"
7. "Explosive Situation"
***Act 3 "North" ***
1. "Business Plan"
2. "Dragon Priests"
3. "Unnannull"
4. "Joined Forces"
5. "The Legion Garrison"
6. "Boundaries Crossed"
7. "Magnus Bane"
8. "The Cosmic Connection"
9. "They Found A Way"
10. "Life Stone"
*** Secondary quest ***
1. "Garth's Crystal"
Notes: Almost done with act one. The last three unfinished quests gave me fits when playing with Broken World so I will keep my fingers crossed that we do not get snuffed or the game crashes at the completion of Chief Thief.
Dungeon Siege 2 – Pass 2 – Elys Succubus Manager
*** Act 1 "Continuum" ***
1. "Continuum"
2. "Haku Mischief" Completed
3. "Trolls" Completed
4. "Demons" Completed
5. "Leyline Disruption" Completed
6. "Prime Location" completed
7. "It Might Work" completed
8. "Not Done Yet" completed
9. "Abandoned Goods" completed
10. "Strange Lights" completed
11. "The Stelae of Life" completed
12. "Oytissohwa" completed
13."Chief Thief" completed
14. "Dark Wizards" completed
15. "Ritual Binding" completed
Act2 "East"
1. "Under Siege"
2. "The Crown Jewels"
3. "Harpies" Completed
4. "Dragon Stones" Completed
5. "Morden Stronghold"
6. "Supply Line"
7. "Explosive Situation"
***Act 3 "North" ***
1. "Business Plan"
2. "Dragon Priests"
3. "Unnannull"
4. "Joined Forces"
5. "The Legion Garrison"
6. "Boundaries Crossed"
7. "Magnus Bane"
8. "The Cosmic Connection"
9. "They Found A Way"
10. "Life Stone"
*** Secondary quest ***
1. "Garth's Crystal"
Notes: If I try to reach Lavenord from the falls the game crashes right after the Point where you find the Stelae of Life. However if I enter Lavenord from the direction of West Bay I do not have a problem and I can walk back toward Ellennu past the point where the Stelae of Life is found. Turn around and head back to Lavenord and the game will crash about 50% if the time. Not sure why I have this problem but if anyone else encounters it please say something.
Bare_elf ... DOTTA DS2 Run Through 2 Part 3
"Notes: If I try to reach Lavenord from the falls the game crashes right after the Point where you find the Stelae of Life. However if I enter Lavenord from the direction of West Bay I do not have a problem and I can walk back toward Ellennu past the point where the Stelae of Life is found. Turn around and head back to Lavenord and the game will crash about 50% if the time. Not sure why I have this problem but if anyone else encounters it please say something."
I have never had a crash in this area. Had a recent crash, while using a teleporter? Other than that, can't remember any, other than one, in an intense battle at Eastport. Checked the region out with the seige editor, but there was nothing. The editor didn't even make a log file.
I have saved and quit in this area at least a hundred times by now, cleared out at least 3/4 of the Haku, so they don't respawn, with no problems. Even while building the region, there were no crashs.
There are no triggers or effects in this area that could cause it. There is however a great deal of activity , with Haku fighting Wild boars, and a little further, Chimps fighting with other critters. Whatever is causing it will be just beyond the distant view, where the map is loading.
If it's critters fighting, you would think that would straighten out after approaching the area from the direction where it didn't crash. A crash only half the time does however suggest to me some sort of npc activity.
I really have little experience with DS1, DS2 Mods, so have no idea if anything could be going on there, with character behavior, etc.
What helps me try to figure things out are screenshots.
I tried taking a screen shot of just before the crash, by going through the area several times, but it appears that it does not occur in exactly the same location each time. Once it was right after stelae location as I was going down the hill. Once by the log bridge. Once just after the chimps. It appears that each time there is lots of activity, some related to my party and some just background of things running about. The last time was when there where a lot of little creatures (green dots on radar) that where very hard to see on the main screen very very tiny they where. Since I know that the crash is happening next time I am in the area I will save and take a screen shot every twenty steps or so.
Dungeon Siege 2 – Pass 2 – Elys Succubus Manager
*** Act 1 "Continuum" ***
1. "Continuum"
2. "Haku Mischief" Completed
3. "Trolls" Completed
4. "Demons" Completed
5. "Leyline Disruption" Completed
6. "Prime Location" completed
7. "It Might Work" completed
8. "Not Done Yet" completed
9. "Abandoned Goods" completed
10. "Strange Lights" completed
11. "The Stelae of Life" completed
12. "Oytissohwa" completed
13."Chief Thief" completed
14. "Dark Wizards" completed
15. "Ritual Binding" completed
Act2 "East"
1. "Under Siege" completed
2. "The Crown Jewels" completed
3. "Harpies" Completed
4. "Dragon Stones" Completed
5. "Morden Stronghold" Completed
6. "Supply Line" Quest malfunction see notes
7. "Explosive Situation"
***Act 3 "North" ***
1. "Business Plan"
2. "Dragon Priests"
3. "Unnannull"
4. "Joined Forces"
5. "The Legion Garrison"
6. "Boundaries Crossed"
7. "Magnus Bane"
8. "The Cosmic Connection"
9. "They Found A Way"
10. "Life Stone"
*** Secondary quest ***
1. "Garth's Crystal"
Notes: In the Supply Line Quest I inadvertently destroyed the right hand barge prior to receiving the quest. Then moved on to destroy the left hand barge past the one that crashed on the rock. When that one was destroyed the quest did not complete. Will this cause problems with completing the game?
"Notes: In the Supply Line Quest I inadvertently destroyed the right hand barge prior to receiving the quest. Then moved on to destroy the left hand barge past the one that crashed on the rock. When that one was destroyed the quest did not complete. Will this cause problems with completing the game?"
This will not cause any problems completing the game.
In Vers.1.2 this quest should be "bullet proof". Another quest requirement will be added; "The Armory".
Bare_elf ... Western Wilderness Crash
"it appears that it does not occur in exactly the same location each time. Once it was right after stelae location as I was going down the hill. Once by the log bridge. Once just after the chimps. It appears that each time there is lots of activity, some related to my party and some just background of things running about. The last time was when there where a lot of little creatures (green dots on radar) that where very hard to see on the main screen very very tiny they where."
This is very curious, the area were a crash may occur; From the log bridge to the Stelae quest vicinity.
As far as just loaded npcs go, it appears the only common denominators are the wild boars and the chimps.But, wild boars can probably be ruled out, as several are loaded before you get to the problem area. This leaves the chimps. The same type chimps however are also found in New Forest. Initially some are fighting. Wild boars are also found in several locations throughout the map, quite often fighting.
So ... At this point, no conclusion can be drawn, insofar as npcs go. If there are crashes in other areas of the map, perhaps more insight would be gained.
Could it be something the Elys Succubus Manager is doing? Or the party? I have no experience or insight in either of these, so have no idea.
I played the map on another computer that does not have the succubus manager or AllSaves installed, went directly to the area of the crash. My Party was totally different all from Veteran Level Dungeon Siege 2 (a very old save I discovered on a flash drive). The crash still occurs in the area between the two screen shots you posted. I looked at the chimps in some other areas of the map, although the game did not crash the frame rate really went down. I am not getting a DS2 crash report so it is possible that the chimps are overloading the video and that is taking the game down. I do have to power down and then reboot to get things working again. This happens on both computers. I will do a bit more research.
Check for a crash using an actual downloaded Vers,1.1 map.
Ran parties in both DS2 and BW, that had never been in the map. Could not get a crash, no matter what I tried.
Also checked frustum loading and compared it to other areas, and it's not that high, and, high area loading should just cause a framerate drop, not a crash. There are many other areas of the map with a higher load range.
In bare_elf's crash area; frustum_width = 116 to 118
In Eastport battle area; frustum_width = 125
In New Forest; frustum_width = 135 to 145 (could cause fps drop)
My fps counter didn't want to work, so this was not checked.
Would be helpful if others could take the time to report on this.
There have been 42 downloads to date. (Sept.3,2017)
Five people however probably replaced the original upload with Vers.1.1. So the actual number is likely 37.
Have not had much time to do anything on the computers in the last two weeks do to the real world getting in the way of things. When the weather was so hot I turned off the computers so they did not melt, and spent most of the day under water. This past week I had to get a tune up on both the SUV and the bicycle. Get a hair cut (all of them really, they should call it a hairs cut). Other mundane stuff as well. Here is the update from tonight.
Dungeon Siege 2 – Pass 2 – Elys Succubus Manager
*** Act 1 "Continuum" ***
1. "Continuum"
2. "Haku Mischief" Completed
3. "Trolls" Completed
4. "Demons" Completed
5. "Leyline Disruption" Completed
6. "Prime Location" completed
7. "It Might Work" completed
8. "Not Done Yet" completed
9. "Abandoned Goods" completed
10. "Strange Lights" completed
11. "The Stelae of Life" completed
12. "Oytissohwa" completed
13."Chief Thief" completed
14. "Dark Wizards" completed
15. "Ritual Binding" completed
Act2 "East"
1. "Under Siege" completed
2. "The Crown Jewels" completed
3. "Harpies" Completed
4. "Dragon Stones" Completed
5. "Morden Stronghold" Completed
6. "Supply Line" Completed
7. "Explosive Situation" * SEE NOTES
***Act 3 "North" ***
1. "Business Plan" Completed
2. "Dragon Priests" Completed * SEE NOTES
3. "Unnannull" Completed
4. "Joined Forces" Completed
5. "The Legion Garrison"
6. "Boundaries Crossed"
7. "Magnus Bane"
8. "The Cosmic Connection"
9. "They Found A Way"
10. "Life Stone"
*** Secondary quest ***
1. "Garth's Crystal"
1. Explosive Situation, I once again can not find this quest
2. Dragon Priests, The first and only priest I killed was Redevarex and the quest completed. Killing the others made no difference.
Where are you garthagin? have not seen you about of late. Was wondering if your still working on the map? Everyone seems to be MIA lately.
First sorry for my english (I'm a french man (no kidding))
- Before publishing any information whatsoever I always make sure if this information (my publication) is 100% reliable!
- Death day: September 18, 2017 - Live in Stratford, Ontario
- "Gary passed away suddenly at home, a few days after his 65th birthday"
- I compared as a detective his two photos (photo funerial (45-50 years) and the one seen as in this site under the name of Garthagain (around 62-64 years)
- Conclusion: same eyebrows, same nose, etc. No doubt that's him
- https://wgyoungfuneralhome.com/2017/09/gary-fowler/
- https://www.afterlife.co/ca/obituary-guelph-gary-fowler-6044907
- https://www.lenecrologue.com/canada/ontario/southwestern-ontario/perth/stratford-on/young-w-g-funeral-home/RzzR/gary-fowler/obituaries/
RIP Garthagain (Gary Fowler (65 year old)) snif
This may in fact be true. The last time he PM'ed me was 4 days before his 65th Birthday, where he was telling me of his plans with sister. He did live in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. I never heard from him again. I even sent him a birthday card to his email address on his birthday and it was never picked up.
RIP Garthagain we will miss you.
Just in case your not dead please let us know!