Submitted by J.D. on Fri, 2005-07-22 01:39 | ||
o_O No one has started this yet? The board's been on for *checks watch* 5 or so hours! What's with this world? Thanks to Wizardo55 for the last SiegeTheDay one! Well, now, who wants to start *in announcer voice* ANOTHER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BOARD? forums: |
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Harry Potter.
If you could have an exotic pet, what would it be? (i saw all of these in a pet store)
a: Pinkhair turantula
b: Rainbow Lizard
c: Manta Ray
d: Boa
e: 3 Ft Long Tortoise
f: Aneneome :?:
g: Rat
A.) An anenome in this context is a sea creature, but can also be a type of flower.

Pretty, ain't "she"? Get's my vote, but nothing replaces my cats and dog...
Q.) which season do you prefer? (I am an autumn person myself)
Summer so i can ride and ride and glide and slide my Momopsycho
Given that true intellectual and emotional compatability
Are at the very least difficult
If not impossible to come by
We could always opt for the more temporal gratification
Of sheer physical attraction
That wouldn't make you a shallow person
Would it?
Of course not. Sometimes sheer physical attraction can lead you to getting to know more about someone, which may lead to you liking their personality more. Besides, it doesn't really matter, as long as you're both happy (and not breaking the law...)
Ok if two people want to focus on the physical aspects of a relationship, but that sounds like an unlikely success. Unless as you say they find some qualities in the other person that they like.Then I would agree.
And about seeking physical gratification in general. A person who doesn't want emotional and intellectual gratification with others is in my book a shallow person. But if he or she desires it but is unable to find it, then no. As long as he/she is looking for it.
Do you tend to forget that you have food on the stove if you sit down at your computer while cooking?
Nope... cause I almost never use the computer while cooking. I rarely even leave the kitchen while I'm cooking either (for safety's sake) unless it's something I know will take a long time simmering or in the oven (in which case I use my watch timer to make sure I don't forget...).
What's your favorite meal that you cook yourself from scratch?
(Aside from BBQ steak :P, I make a fantastic / decadent cheesy tuna noodle casserole every year during the Xmas holidays...).
A.) Hey, that sounds good. My two favorite albeit exhausting meals to cook from scratch are lasagna with homemade sauce (and sometimes I make the noodles from scratch too, if I am not too lazy, so you can assume I use storebought noodles mostly... ;)) and for holiday time I cook a fab turkey dinner with all the trimmings.
Q.) If someone offered you $10,000 or the equivalent in the currency of the country you live in, to eat nothing but chocolate for 1 week (water and coffee/tea or soda is allowed) ; would you do it?
A: No I would die, I can not live 1 day without meat
Q: If ou could live anywhere in the world would you still live where you are living now?
I would still live in New Zealand, maybe still in my home town, but also maybe in a smaller town like Pirongia which is further out and also its close to Mount Pirongia which is covered in bush and a couple of streams and is a very nice place to walk/hike. Or I'd live in a town at the beach, like Raglan or Wahi Beach.
And for Kathy's question, I would if there was a variety of chocolate to eat, I couldn't eat only milk chocolate for a week for example.
Your favourite sport/game (i.e football, dodgeball etc), to play?
A: I think squash is my favorite sport right now.
Q: What do you think about the expansion for DS2?
I am optomistic about it, but I find doubts that it will be good, given GPG's track record with DS2.
Q. Have you ever eaten a bug intentionally?
A.) heh, actually yes. I was 11 and it was a dare. I ate a mosquito. All together now, lets say it "Ewwwww"
Q.) Did you ever accept a dare, and if so, what was it?
A: No I have never accepted a dare and never intend to, I think they are stupid.
Q: Does anyone realy understand art (I know I don't)
It depends on what kind of art you are talking about.
Q. Have you ever sleep walked?
No. I know that I've definately sleep-talked though
If you could have one idea for BW that GPG would definately follow through, what would it be?
Make it modding frendly
that they better follow through.
Why didn't shadow smile post a question?
Because he forgot?
That would be my guess.
Have you done anything interesting lately (if so, what)?
Not really.
Question #1 = Have you ever done anything wierder to an animal than I have? (I picked up a kitten in my mouth, just like a tiger- or other wild cat) :P
Question #2 = What is the wierdest animal that you have ever dreamed about? (For me, it was a chihuahua that was the size of an ant, but it had legs that were a foot long. 8O )
1: No
2: I can't really remember it, I know that it was green though.
When you dream (or remember what you dreamt), are your dreams vivid, mundane or somewhere in between?
Mine vary. Some involve me killing large groups of people, others involve what I've been focused on....and yes, I have had a dream that Derelict was real and I was in that world....
Q. On the subject of dreams: Some scientists studying dreams have reason to believe that the 'gift' of seeing the future was once experienced by all humans due to our frontal lobe(?). Anyways, they theorize that deja vu is a glimpse of the future, or in this case, the present that we've already seen, because it is a known fact that memories are triggered by seeing things. People who can see into the future who aren't faking it, we can assume that they have a more advanced form of this skill that is being evolved out.
What is your thought on that?
I think that some people who claim to be able to see the future have that skill, and others are just fakes. Although what some people see as the future if they do have that skill (and know it or don't know it) may not actually happen.
Do you believe that the one sure-fire way to make "prophecy" come true is to go about trying to prevent it?
Self-fulfilling prophecies certainly do exist (psychologically)... if you think you will do badly at something, it's likely you'll find a way to do that something badly (sub-consciously).
The whole topic of prophecies is something I'm extremely sceptical about... because the existence of true prophecy / clairvoyance would be the negation of free will (something I'd have a hard time swallowing). If events could be reliably predicted (not scientific stuff, but things affected by human behaviour) then that would mean that free will was an illusion, and fate ruled our lives... no choices of our own, going through the motions of fulfilling a pre-determined destiny. Either we (as humans) are in control of our decisions or we are not... I don't see how there can be a middle ground on this subject. So, since I also think belief in fate can lead to nothing good, (an excuse for wrongdoing / sloth / helplessness...) I choose to believe in free will, and that the only affect prophecy has on reality is psychological.
Do you believe that fate (destiny) and free will can co-exist (and if so, how)?
The seeing into the future thing is BS, and I don't think those are theories, also it's far from science.
If I knew either of these were true, then yes. This could be done by deciding your destiny before your existence here on Earth. I'm agnostic, so I do not know.
The science / philosophical arguments for clairvoyance are not completely ludicrous... when you consider the possibility that there may not be such a thing as the supernatural (eg. a human soul). If all things real are bound by the laws of physics / chemistry, then biological "life" is just a chemical process of interacting molecules in certain patterns. Sentience would be an illusion, because the human brain would simply be a platform for scientific laws to be played out. No free will. Under such circumstances it would be conceivable (but not practical) that the future could be accurately predicted because everything in the future would be determined by fixed patterns / laws.
Of course, as I indicated above, I don't believe in this stuff... While I have no proof (I'm an agnostic too), I do believe in free will, making clairvoyance impossible.
:? I don't understand this... if you're not deciding things here on Earth, then how can it be free will (and where else would you get a chance to make all the decisions for a lifetime... especially considering the uncertainty of the to-be-determined decisions of others...)? I guess you could be trying to say that we're puppets, but IMO that wouldn't be free will either.
Oh, and do you think Wyvante realized that this is the Q&A thread, and not Chatty Kathy's? :P (i.e. where's the question!).
Well, they are not possible to co-exist ever. I was just attempting to answer the question. Afraid I have a migraine and forgot to poke a question.
By theorizing a multiverse(cosmology) exists how would it work(use logic the best you can).
As far as Sharkull's original question "Do you believe that fate (destiny) and free will can co-exist"
I do believe that it is possible, if you believe in the existence of a Omnipresent, Omniscient God (I do though I'm not asking you to). If there is a God which exists everywhere and every time at once, then He would be able to know what we were going to choose (that He knows our 'Destiny') and yet we at the specific place in time we exist at, would not have made that choice yet, giving us free will. We will be the ones to make the choice, God just already knows what choice we are going to make. So prophecy is possible if God chooses to grant a individual a look into the future by letting him know what choices will be made.
So yes I do BELIEVE that both are possible, and while I'm on this note, I do not want to turn this into a philosophical debate, if you want to do that start another topic which I will happily ignore.
I find arguing philosophy to often be both pointless and frustrating as usually both parties are too stubborn to look at the other person's point of view, (not saying you guys would be that way) so I generally try to avoid debates about it, especially on the internet.
EDIT: I was working on my response in Word, and didn't realize that Wyv had already posted a question, so sorry that my post isn't on topic. Normally I would answer his question but as I don't really have any thoughts on the subject, I'll leave it be and let the next Quantum Physic's Graduate Student (not even sure if there is such a thing :)) try their hand at it.
Yes, Stryder, it is often hard to debate philosophy when people are intransigent. I just try to communicate my points effectively, and leave it at that. Arguing philosophy is pointless because concrete proofs often don't exist (as is the case here) and it's ultimately up to each person to subjectively decide what they believe (that is, if they believe in free will... :P ).
You stated the faith based perspective well, and while I might have more to say on the subject it would mostly be semantics, so I'll let it drop. Debating the truth of theology is too weighty a topic to even think about discussing it seriously here.
The human experience is limited to four dimensions (3D space + time = 4), so it is hard to describe something that necessarily involves more than this... A multidimensional group of universes would have to add further dimensions to what we know of reality, and the laws governing the relationships would determine the way things work. I might guess at something, but my imagination is not that creative.
BTW, I believe that time is linear (making backwards time travel impossible), and that there is one universe: ours.
(Of course I could be wrong).
Are all the deep questions / answers making anyone's brain hurt?
No, on the contrary my migraine is gone.
I agree with you on time traveling only being possible to go forwards Sharkull but not on a multiverse. I'd like to debate you and strider but does not seem like the right place.
Since we are on the subject of time travel how would it be possible to time travel into the future assuming we had the proper technology?