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Video tutorials on modding

These are video tutorials made by Marcos. (these apply to modding both DS/DS2)

Tutorial 1

Covers the basic tools that will be used when doing Dungeon Siege 2 modding.

Basic modding

Tutorial 2

Introduces 3D Studio Max with the assumption that the end user has no, or almost no, experience in the program. It also goes over a few tricks i've picked up over the years while working in 3ds max to give more experience users something out of the tutorial as well.

3ds Max Basics

Tutorial 3

Follows in the footsteps of GPG when they first started with Dungeon Siege 1. That's right. We'll be starting with modeling a unique looking siege node that we can use in the engine. (we will be making another kind of node in the next tutorial). The proccess starts with the basic geometry modeling, covers some basic modeling tools availible to both Gmax and 3Ds Max, then goes through Texturing our node. I try to explain not only the how of modeling terrain nodes, but also the why. There is a reason why we do certain things the way we do them, and I hope you take that away from this tutorial.

Unique Terrain Nodes - part1

Unique Terrain Nodes - part2



Those videos are good stuff Marcos! :thumbup:

Marcos has offered to make more tutorials so holler if you have a request.
If you are lucky he might make one for you.