Submitted by J.D. on Fri, 2005-07-22 01:39 | ||
o_O No one has started this yet? The board's been on for *checks watch* 5 or so hours! What's with this world? Thanks to Wizardo55 for the last SiegeTheDay one! Well, now, who wants to start *in announcer voice* ANOTHER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BOARD? forums: |
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A.) Heh, 2 weeks later, I guess everyone was so busy with their plans, they couldn't post an answer.
Q.) Who wants to post the next question?
Q: Do you think that having level 0 summons is too much?
2 of the level 0 spells that I made for derelict summons either a baby flame elemental or a baby frost elemental(depending on CM or NM) and their stats are this:
12 Health
2-5 Damage with melee, can also throw a very weak 1-2 damage flame or ice projectile.
Height of about 9 inches
Very fast for a little guy.
I can imagine that a high level fighter may want to use them as diversions to escape, a n00b wizard would use them as an actual summon.
lol is it just me or does Kathy have a different avatar each week?
^ :roll: ^
In this Q&A thread you need to answer the question above yours, and then post a Q for the next person... you neglected to respond to TAS's query.
TAS, your reply was neither a Q nor an A. Please leave moderation to site staff. If you want to participate in the thread, and additionally include an explanation of this theme thread to someone who may not understand it (in an on topic post), that would be fine... but just posting a pointer to someone else's post is not helpful.
[on topic]
Answering TAS's Q: Looks balanced to me and IMO level 0 summons are fine if they're not overpowered.
Answering aim4it's Q:
It's not every week, but she does seem to change it more frequently than most...
What's your favorite breakfast food?
A: bacon and eggs..
Q: why is Janet Jackson fined thousands of dollars for a single moment of sartorial inelegance, when the daily news is allowed to show graphic carnage and misery every day of the week..??
A: Because she is a celebrity, and people like something like that?
Q: Would you want to be famous?
A: I would like to become "well known" everywhere, without having the overkill of having hundreds of cameras in your face all of the time, along with fanatical reporters attempting to break into your house for a picture. 8O
Q: A mother has 6 children and half are boys. How many boys are there?

A: 3 (or is this some elaborate joke?), or the other half are boys, too, so there are 6 boys
Q: How many letters are in The Alphabet?
(There is indeed 6 boys, becasue i never said that the others were girls)
A: There are 11 letters in "The Alphabet"
Q: You are locked in a chamber and you have one hour to decide how you will die because you lied. Your options are Drowning and Hanging. What can you tell the executioner to confuse him so he cant do either? :P :P :P
Say "I am going to say something. If it's the truth, hang me, and if it's a lie, drown me". You then say "you will drown me". If its the truth, he'll hang you, which will make it a lie, so he'll drown you, which will make it true, so he'll hang you (etc etc).
Think of words ending with "-gry". Hungry and Angry are two. There are three words in the English language- you use them every day. Name all three- if you read carefully, I have already said them.
Actually, you should say "I will be hanged", becasue he will think you are lying, so he has to hang you, but then you would be telling the truth so he will give up.
Hungry, Angry, and two?
Q: A very long hallway has 1000 doors numbered 1 to 1000; all doors are initially closed. One by one, 1000 people go down the hall: the first person opens each door, the second person closes all doors with even numbers, the third person closes door 3, opens door 6, closes door 9, opens door 12, etc. That is, the n th person changes all doors whose numbers are divisible by n . After all 1000 people have gone down the hall, which doors are open and which are closed?
LO: "the English language"
TAS: They're all closed (if I understand your explanation of the pattern correctly) except the first one. After that, the person of any individual door's number will close it, and nobody after will be able to open it. All the extra open-close... stuff is superfluous in determining the end state.
Do you think that a "Riddles" theme thread would be a good idea?
A very good idea
What was the most expensive item you have ever bought online?
A.) A gold bracelet from QVC.com the home of rampant consumerism. :roll: Well, it was pretty.
Q.) Temps are approaching 98 degrees and very humid in MASS....is that old saying true that it is not the heat, it is the humidity? (You know, like which is worse...)
Well....I had the same one for 2 months and now I am just making up for lost time.
Humidity was certainly a factor here today. It was just over 36 C (95 F) here in Toronto today, but 47 C (116 F) humidex (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humidex)... and I'm in CANADA (where it's supposed to be cooler than that... eh)!!! We had an extreme heat alert, a smog advisory and a humidex warning (by various public agencies). Stepping outside from air conditioning was like opening the door to an oven... and we set a record for power consumption today too (with all the air conditioners working overtime). Nasty.
Which is worse? I'd take a dry heat of 36C over today's weather here anytime...
How's the weather where you are?
It was 112 F and humid yesterday, But only 89 F today.
Q: Which laptop would you rather have?
Hypersonic Aviator FX7 with a duel core AMD desktop processer (2 x 2.8 Ghz),
duel DVD/RW,
Nvidia GeForce 7900 512 MB GPU,
Atheros Super A/B/G wifi,
battery life = 1.25 hours,
weight = 13 LBS
Price = 4600$
H x W x D = 2" x 16" x 12" (huge)
Fujistu Lifebook P1510D
Intel Pentium M ULV 753 1.20 Ghz,
Intel GMA 900 Graphics
Atheros Super A/B/G wifi,
Battery life = 7 hours (batterys are also small, take several with you for constant power)
H x W x D = 1" x 9" x 6" (really small)
Price = 2400$
Weight = 2.2 LBS,
I really cannot decide on which to get. :?
Not considering price, the first one. Considering price, the second one.
Does anyone else here have a lower-end machine like mine? (not counting my processor speed, which is 2 ghz and very out of place from everything else.)
Yes, my cluttered old HP has a 1.5 Ghz Processer, with a 64 MB Nvidia card, and 512 MB RAM. I would use my Alienware gaming laptop as my main computer, if i wasn't so fond of all of the files my HP has collected.
Q: Is anyone else besides me craving beef wellington? :P
A.) Ice cream, I am craving ice cream!
Q.) Name something unusual about yourself. An offbeat talent or some weird tic...something like that. (Ex. I am a pretty decent mimic.)
a) i can wiggle my ears
q)why is it that people can be told something over and over and yet it never sinks in untill something drastic happens?
Answer: There is a "logic ckt" in the human brain that says " That could never happen to me I can run with a sharp stick and it will never poke me." This ckt overrides all other input until the event actually happens. As the old saying goes "What was the last words of the redneck
HEY EVERYONE WATCH THIS as he bungie jumps without a bungie cord"
Question: I can wiggle something else what is it?
A: Your nose, or if you are an avariel (winged elf), then your wings.
Q: I am having a bit of a problem with an artifact. I want it to be worth 250000 Gold, not 833,000,000. So i tell it to use the gold value of 250000, it doesn't change. What is wrong? *NOTE, COPYRIGHTED TEMPLATES, FOR HELPING ONLY*
//edit, i snipped the template now that i am getting help, to prevent the theft of my precious work :P
(this is a template for a rune that explodes big if you break it, but has benefits if you wear it) What is wrong with it? I told it to use the gold value. (This is a legit post, it IS a question)
I can wiggle my nose, and my ears but it is something else.
As for the coding problem I have copied it and will look at it to see if i can find the problem.
If you have it in mod format send it to me so I can see the problem visually.
Where did Bare_Elf's question go?
No using it in a mod of your's without consent, i am already being way lenient with letting you copy it. :P
PM me your email so i can send you the entire mod, its over 3 MB in derelict work :P 8O
Now for the required question : Do you like peanut butter? :P
Yes, or course.
What would your idyllic country be like?
A: mostly green with some blue bits - definitely no cars..!!
Q: Does anybody here live in a village or a hamlet - or are we all city-dwellers?
(- guess that's about 3 or 4 questions, really..!!)
A.) I live in a small sized city, but I am contemplating moving where it is quieter.
Q.) Deep fried food: love it or leave it?
Lili is on staff both here and Herena Forge, she would never do that. No reputable modder would.
Some deep-fried foods are okay.
What kind of food do you prefer (i.e. Japanese, Indian, Italian, etc)?