Submitted by J.D. on Fri, 2005-07-22 01:39 | ||
o_O No one has started this yet? The board's been on for *checks watch* 5 or so hours! What's with this world? Thanks to Wizardo55 for the last SiegeTheDay one! Well, now, who wants to start *in announcer voice* ANOTHER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BOARD? forums: |
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A.) Reading,history, languages and biology were all interesting to me and I did well in them.
However, algebra made very little sense to me, and geometry was even worse. I actually had to go back my senior year in highschool and take special tutoring and a special test for algebra because I had failed it in the ninth grade :dunce: :oops: and the school did not address the issue until 31/2 years later. :roll:
Q.) Does the time seem to have gone by very quickly to anyone else? I cannot believe it is almost September! (leaves are just starting to turn color around here)
It seems like too long since I have last seen the snowy drifts of Glacern....
Do we have any other winter lovers in here? Rate how much you like snow and winter on a scale from 1 - 100. :P
I'd give it a high 80. Winter rocks, but summer rocks too.
Q. (If you are American) Where did your ancestors come from?
Mine came from Germany. Go Germany!
Why is it that not being American somehow makes me illegible to answer that question?"
LK's Q: I'm from the Netherlands, but my ancestors also came from Germany.
Q: How many langugaes do you speak? (I can speak Dutch, English,some German and a little bit of French)
I speak 6...
English, french, and some greek, along with gas, skrit, and Ti-basic...
LK's Q: I am half british and half american.... :P
Q: What would you do if a genie gave you a star sapphire the size of your head, and then went away? 8O
Shout "I do, I do, I DO believe in genies!" and clap my hands in hope of the genie returning to give me an even bigger one?
LK's Q: On my mother's side, from the UK etc, including King Edward I, and on my father's side, anywhere from Italy/Spain/Portugal to Timor/India/Arabia (not a country anymore, but hey, you said ancestor.
What is your battle cry?
"HA! Your blood shall flow from your lifeless corpse!" 8O
(one of my many battle crys)
Q: What is wrong with creativity? People have run out of food ideas, so now they must resort to combos.... Such as a lazanja pizza...... (excuse my spelling, i am un a hurry)
A.) Yeah, I think that is offered by Pizza Hut. (lasagna ;)) Well, I think there is an old saying that goes along the lines of "there is nothing new under the sun". Which makes marketing difficult because many people tend to be jaded in our modern society and are always looking for the New and Improved versions of everything. Even pizza.
What is something that you have seen a stranger do that grosses you out?
( I still remember the lady who didn't wash her hands after using the bathroom in a restaurant...*shudders* )
Blow snot out of his nose onto someone else.
Why do so many people not like it when you do something annoying that they do deliberately themselves?
Kathycf's question : This guy sneezed on me and got stringy mucus in my hair, I still won't order cheese on my pizza anymore.... 8O
A: That happens to me all of the time, they are meerly trying to be defensive to make themselves look better.
Q: Name some things that people you know do that totally annoys you...
Kathy's Q: I saw someone spit in someone else's mouth (kids in grade school, but still gross).
LO's Q: Hypocrisy. Lots of people only think of the world as they experience it (i.e. are self-centered) and do not apply the same standards that they expect others to live up to, to themselves.
My father sometimes talks with his mouth full of food. (yuk)
What is your favorite piece of wisdom that you (try to) live yourself, and wish everyone you knew would learn as well?
A: "Turn the other cheek", probably. Because I am often the one that gets punched on school, and (almost, sometimes I can get real angry) never do anything back. I just think of them as ignorant people, and wish they would learn some of my discipline.
Q: What do you think of love?
Far too many people these days confuse love with lust. We are living in a world of "serial monogamy" (or even serial polygamy) as one magazine put it (don't ask). Love, to me, means a whole bunch of things: a strong emotion you feel for somebody, but it also requires trust, honesty, respect, communication, etc etc, and of course that magical word commitment, which being a teenage male I do not use overly much but I still agree with and like the idea of it. Without all those wonderful things in the equation, love isn't quite love- not what it is in my opinion anyway.
Now, love between two people and breaking up and everything- some people ask "is it worth the heartbreak?", and from my one small experience, I have to say "yes". Mind you, this might be sort of biased/uninformed, as this didn't end in a screaming argument and we are still friends, as opposed to now avoiding each other etc- and I can't see any reason why we wouldn't still be friends.
Oh yes, one more thing- variety is the spice of life, and love between two people who are exactly the same in everything would get sort of boring, and probably wouldn't work in the first case- most importantly, two bossy people or two quiet people- doesn't really work IMHO (although those little lulls in conversation resulting from the latter are good, says the radio).
Your opinion?[/i]
TAS ?) it really annoys me when people leave cabinet doors open and also when people back into parking spaces!
sharkull?) fool me once shame on you.... fool me twice shame on me!!!
loup's ?) Love..... is very complicated. And yes it is often confused with lust. Less though the older you get. Many times I thought I was in love but it wasn't true love. Then I met my husband and it was all of a sudden so clear to me. It may sound strange but, I have never felt a touch like that before. Almost as if his skin was made to touch mine. I trust him completely. He understands that I am crazy as hell and loves me for it. But love is a double edged sword. It can put you on top of the world and make you hurt like you never hurt before. In the end is it worth it???? You bet it is. Don't dwell on the end, remember the dance!
Q)do you know what the dance is?
What is the dance?
To me, the dance is Life.
Does that sound right to you?
Perhaps. I always thought the dance referred to the term, "Dance with the spears", meaning to face a life-endangering moment in life...
Q. Does that make sense to you?
Bid me discourse, I will enchant thine ear,
Or like a fairy trip upon the green
Or, like a nymph, with long dishevell'd hair,
Dance upon the sands, and yet no footing seen:
Love is a spirit all compact of fire,
Not gross to sink, but light, and will aspire.
Will Shakespeare (Venus and Adonis)
..methinks old Billy knew a thing or two about affairs of the heart!
..or, mayhap, you mean something yet more profound..
At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless;
Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is,
But neither arrest nor movement.
T. S Eliot (East Coker)
- myself, I am roused to dance by sweet music
- and love is such sweet music..
How say you..?
A.) Well, I think "the dance" is the course of our lives, how we lived them and the people in them. Ultimately, at the end of one's life when you are to die is it really going to matter what job you had or how much money, or what kind of car? I don't think so. I think what will matter will be the people whose lives we touched, the people that we love and who love us. A life without love would be desolate indeed.
Q.) Should I have given a more succinct answer? :P
(brevity is the soul of wit and all that...
A more succinct answer would not have been able to contain all the wonderful ideas you communicated, so my answer is no... (and we all know you're a witty Kitty... err Kat... so no worries there either).
Have you accomplished anything important in the last week?
Completely finished all of the music for Derelict.
Q. Are the forums dead?
A. No it is more like they are in suspended animation. :?
Q. Have you ever tried dance dance revolution?
Nope :P
Have you ever tried singstar (or other karaoke)?
Nope :whistling:
Do you prefer Internet radio (greater choice in content, but only playable on a computer) or regular radio (local news / commentary, plus music, and you don't need a computer)?
(Downloaded MP3's don't count, consider streaming broadcasts only please).
Regular radio.
Have you ever been skiing?
Water skiing: yes (once).
Nordic / cross-country skiing: yes (I had my own skis when I was younger).
Downhill skiing: no, but I wouldn't mind taking a lesson sometime.
Have you ever played hockey?
A.) I was the scourge of girl's field hockey...and if someone says field hockey doesn't count I shall hunt you down and firmly step on your foot.
Q.) Have you ever been afraid of a bug?
Oh yes, i hate wasps......
I was once stung by one, and it made me so angry, that i went and lit 30 wasp nests on fire (at night, when they are all inside), and i imagine that i killed about 1200 wasps.....
Go on, tell me that i should be ashamed... :P , well, im really not, they had it coming...
Anyways, my hands are stained with the...erm...yellowish blood of them, and i think that they may want vindiction for what i have done...
Q: Do you think that i went too far?
Yes, unless more than half the nests were hornets.
What sorts of bug usually hang around your home?