Submitted by J.D. on Fri, 2005-07-22 01:39 | ||
o_O No one has started this yet? The board's been on for *checks watch* 5 or so hours! What's with this world? Thanks to Wizardo55 for the last SiegeTheDay one! Well, now, who wants to start *in announcer voice* ANOTHER QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BOARD? forums: |
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Usually Mucosa brutes. They're a real pain.
Q. Have you ever accidently killed an animal that you had no intention or desire to kill?
I sat on a cat, and I thought that it was a throw pillow.......
Q: Do you think that colossal vermin are normal for the desert? It says here in my D&D book that deserts are often inhabited with colossal monsterous scorpians, which take up 6 squares by 6 squares, or 30 square feet minimum.......
Nah, I think Wesrin Cross spiders are bigger. Last year I went on vaction in Ehb and that didn't work out let's just say.
Q. Have you ever intentionally eaten a bug?
Well, I did try some of a Moreton Bay bug once...
And I believe one of my heroes in LoA had a taste for chitterskraggs...
What is your favourite seafood? If you don't like any seafood, say why :P
A.) I like seafood and baked haddock is very good. I have a very nasty shellfish allergy, so I don't eat them.
Q.) Do you think celebrity is over-rated? ( makes me think of the semi constant news coverage of Paris Hilton... :roll: )
Celebs are just normal people, why do people make such a huge deal about them? :?
Who thinks this pizza hut pizza that i ordered is good?
-Thick crust
-No cheese (dont like it on pizza)
-Quadruple pepperoni
If you dont like it, say which topping that you would like for quadruple...
Cheese. Period. End of subject!!!
Have you ever been to little italy, be in Boston, NY, or any other cities with one...?
A: What about the real thing? *looks at me* :P
Q: Who knew that plasma globes like the ones you can get for 20$ have real plasma inside, and also show off the interesting phnomina of "filimentation" with plasma, as well as attraction?
I didn't, for one.
Do you prefer the radio, music TV (MTV, Juice (?) or whatever else) or just listening to CDs/tape decks/records?

My homepage/blog-thingy http://WolfOnSteroids.bebo.com Thanks to LoneKnight for the name P (see the Nickname Thread)
A: WMP11 beta is always on when I'm on the forum trail..
Q: If you are in WMP and you select "songs" in the library and then
click on the "play count" option at the top.. which 10 songs come up top..??
..the world is full of beauty, and life is wonderful!
I don't use WMP to play / store my music, so nothing really (I didn't even have the Play Count column displayed when I just checked). There are a few good radio stations in (or near) Toronto, so I usually just listen to one of them.
When's the last time you played a DS1/DS2 game to completion (beat the final boss, in that version)?
A.)Well, I just arrived at Castle Ehb for a date with my old pal Gom...although I have not put him in his place yet. Still working my way down into the dungeon.
Q.) The holidays are fast approaching for most of us I believe. What is one of your favorite traditions regarding the holidays?
Total absence of humor renders life impossible.
Getting loot!
Lots and lots of loot! 
I just got a game called "Morrowind" Its really good and i have a level 8 Tiger for my character. Could someone who plays it tell me where that dratted "Dwelmer Puzzle Box" is? I have combed the dwarven dungeon everywhere!
When you go down the ramp at the very beginning of it turn around and theres another small one that doesn't look climbable (but it is, especially if you're a Khajiit), that leads to another ledge above the only one there that people notice. Theres a door to another room there. Its on a shelf in that. Many many people at the offical ES forums only discovered it by falling off on the way back up.
Does that sound like the good game design that everyones been told Morrowind is?
Yes it does, it makes you really think (i found it
). I really enjoy my character "Tigger", who is a Khajiit, and a level 8 "Le Tigre Magnifique", which is a cross between an acrobat and a mage who specializes in alteration and enchanting.
Speaking of enchanting, i stumbled upon a give gold cheat (shame on me), so i had about 750K gold that i had no idea what to spend it on. I bought an "excuisite ring" and a grand soul gem with a Winged Twilight inside. I went to go enchant it with some alterations when i saw what i could spend my money on. A ring worthy of the Ice Queen in yesterhaven!
I spared no expense, as the ring could hold 120 points of enchantments and 300 charge. I was left with: A ring of the Ice Queen, A Ring that can shoot an iceball that explodes for 90pts of damage for 3 seconds with a 50ft radius. The grand total : 200000 gold, including the cost of the soul gem.
My question is, if someone gave you that ring so early in the game would you sell it, or would you use it for its enormous power? Also, what is your opinion of the ring? (and perhaps the other items)
A bit uber for my tastes.
Does anyone else find this apparent inversion of the forums confusing... or is it just me?
Its just you, i find it easier to navigate this way, as the newest stuff is right where i can find it, i don't have to dig through masses of posts to find the last one.
A bit of a quiz : I just bought an 8.5 karat blue topaz on ebay. Is it a real topaz if it can scratch glass? True or false.
False, diamonds are the only natural (i.e. not man-made) materials that can scratch glass.
Do you reckon fireworks the best purpose for gunpowder yet?
No... fireworks are pretty, but most certainly not the best use IMO. Explosives as used in mining efforts / tunnel building are far more useful / practical, the consequences of which have changed the courses of civilizations (helping to improve the quality of life for significant numbers of people...).
Agree / disagree?
(actually according to moh's hardness scale, anything harder than quartz will scratch glass, not just diamonds)
I agree, explosives are very useful for a number of uses that we use every day.
Why is a round lock better than a square one?
- is it because there are weaknesses at the corners in a non-circular lock?
(I appear to have both asked, and answered a question, here..??)
- on the subject of gunpowder..
..odd that this was discovered during WW1.
- why is an AGP NVIDIA 7600GS(512mb) half the cost of an AGP 6800GT(256mb)..??
..the world is full of beauty, and life is wonderful!
You are right!
Perhaps it is a typo in the pricing?
What happen when you stick a flame up to a jar of liquid methane? (the answer may surprise you)
A: I'll have a guess ..it goes "woof!" :woot:
Q: what are you buying for yourself this Christmas? :yahoo:
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!
I got myself a ATI 650 pro TV tuner and built a spare computer into a dvr. Now I am thinking of getting another tv card so I can record 2 things at once and watch something else.
What kinda stuff does Santa scratch with his Claws?
Abstraction Webpage
Abstraction Forums
Instant win lottery tickets.
Have you done anything really fun in the new year yet?
A: I told every one of my friends my huge secret, and they were all okay with it. I call being open with your friends fun.
Q: (quiz) Name the song that this line is from, and for a bonus, where it is used: Yume ni made mita you na sekai wa,
Arasoi mo naku heiwa no nichi jyou
Taking a stab in the dark, here. Numa Numa song?
No, it is Rolling Star by YUI. It is japanese. :P
/me wonders where his question went
Q: Is it possible to replace a Pentium 4 with a Core 2 Extreme, assuming that both are Socket 775
I guess it would depend on your motherboard and its chipset (possibly power source too).
What's your favorite currently running TV show (i.e. not reruns... still making new episodes)?
(I like Heroes, Battlestar Galactica, Studio 60, Shark...
I guess I've already answered my own Q, but I will add Lost and Jericho to the list.
What are you most looking forward to with the changing of the seasons (spring / summer)?