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Two More for Today

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Here we are before the Portal to the Agallan Peaks.

The attachment shows one of the grand sweeping vistas that you just don't get in DS2 or Broken World, which is one of the things I miss about DS1/LoA. The character in this attached shot is using the Sexy Girl mod.



Sharkull's picture

All the cool screenies remind me of how much I like this game and make me want to play! ^^

And DS2 does have some nice views, but they're mostly of inaccessible areas off to the side vs. vertical overlays of playable turf. Probably due to the increased system specs / performance reasons... Stare

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

DS2 and BW do have some very catchy treats for the eye, no doubt, and there are even a few (mind you, a few) places where you can get that sort of far-viewing thing going on (but as you say, mostly inaccessible). One example is featured in the Snowbrook Valley Falls screenie I uploaded. Another is the cliffs above Eastern Greilyn Beach (and some of what you can see from up there is accessible, but not much --- same goes for Arinth's Gorge, though visibility is not so good there).

I'll upload one from the cliffs over Eastern Greilyn Beach that shows some accessible territory below, albeit with fog/haze. Contrast that with what you can see from the heights of the Mesa Desert or Iliarth Divide, Iliarth Canyon, Quillrabe Canyons, etc, even with fog.