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Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

The Riddle of the Agallan Sphinx?

Okay, I've once again emphasized the form I see in the artwork. I myself (the player) see a Sphinx-like image, but Aceria Rubra (the character) would of course have no knowledge of such a form, and is likely seeing the nemyss-like headdress on the image, making an association of that with the only experience she has of anyone wearing anything vaguely like that (the Agallan Statues in the Agallan Trial). In addition, the Sphinx here on Earth has no mustache, whereas this thing in the Dusty Cavern (and scattered about the east end of the continent, apparently) clearly has a mustache, and probably a beard, and that is adding to Aceria Rubra's impression of Agallan origins.

The odd thing above the nemyss looks something like a head/face, but may be intended to represent some sort of magical power emanating from the third eye region of the Agallan/Sphinx (perhaps he is engaging in astral projection?). The odd, almost (inverted) pyramidal thing below what I think may be a Sphinx is still a mystery to me, and I have no theory about it (it may also disprove my Sphinx theory). The form surrounding the head, extending outward on either side, and then down, gives me pause; it could be the shoulders and arms of the head above the Sphinx head?

Again, excuse my crude attempts to highlight what I see in the image. Not only is my software rather primitive, but my mouse needs cleaning (or replacing).
