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Thank you, PhoeniX . Smile
It means a lot for me to get feedback.

So, I made another playable farmgirl face. I was inspired by the creator of the Warcraft mod (Zigg) and his Night elf skin. I decided to forgo the pointy ears as the ears he made were a part of the hair, too much trouble for me.

I like the skin Zigg made and use it, but I also like making faces...
(I'm sticking my tongue out right now :P ...erm, Bad joke Kathy. Bad Kathy!]
I mean to say I like drawing faces and I like variety. *grin*

Warcraft Night elf skin by Zigg:

An actual Blizzard Night Elf (jackelope ears!):

My attempt, minus those ginormous ears that Blizzard does :
