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What was the least greatest invention in the past 100 years?

I have a list of them:

1. The waterproof towel.
2. The solar powered flashlight.
3. Submarine screen doors.
4. A dictionary index.
5. Powdered water.
6. Waterproof teabags.
7. Inflatable dartboards.
8. A book on "How to read"
9. The helicopter ejector seat.
10. Glow in the dark sunglasses.
11. Chocolate fireguard.

Now for a question for you to ponder....Hmmmm

Given that Dryads are all female, and they do not interbread with other pointy eared life forms. [I'm an elf so I know the truth of the statement - elves do not bread with any of the lower life forms, human, dwarf, dryad, etc.] Where do their children come from?