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My user name was derived from my University nickname (Land Shark... after an old TV show comedy skit). I think it was Baldur's Gate I was starting, and I wanted to pick a RPGish name, and there was a cheesy Kevin Sorbo movie being advertised named Kull the Conquerer (or something like that... never seen it). Shark + Kull = ... Laughing out loud

Christmas vs. Holidays:
Non-religious institutions / companies should themselves use Holidays (to be fair to all...), but individual people should speak their preference. If you are of Christian heritage, then by all means say Merry Christmas. If you're Jewish, then say Happy Hanukkah... I won't be offended because I know the phrase is a benign well wishing sentiment. If someone of Oriental heritage wishes me "Happy New Year" and it is not January 1st, then I'm not upset... I smile. Everyone has their own traditions, and I don't see why my benign traditions (regardless of their prevalence or history behind them) should offend anyone.

There is no such thing as a "Holiday Tree". The tradition is a Christmas Tree, and if one is put up then call it what it is. If you want to put up a "Star of David" (or "menorah"...) then call them what they are too. If your particular faith / traditions have symbols which are important to you, then Great, Wonderful... I don't have any problems with that. Just don't expect me to embrace your symbols while you denounce and strip me of mine. Hypocrisy sickens me.

Do you have any plans for the "Holidays"?