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All time Massively mind blowing concert was 1990 Pearl Jams free concert in Magnolia park (Called a walk in the park) Bands lin ups were Cypres Hill Seaweed Some folk chick and ofcourdse pearljam goto Pogo to "Black" WHile zoning on an OJ and it was transendental omg kinda ive seen nirvana (The Spiritual place not the band) moment.
Steve Miller was awesome in concert totally cool mellow goodtime groove
Eric Clapton was great on Concert and his band is as talented as hoim so it was in fuckin credible
AC/DC was incredible (Seen them 7 times and For those about to Rock was my fave)
His Ozzness weel its Ozzy nuff said
Accept opening for damn cant remember
Joe Walsh /Foreigner
Iowa Jam (Ted Nugent, Aerosmith, Metallica (Ride the lightning tour) Queensrhyche (Operation mindcrime tour) King cobra and Blue Diamond on one bill.
