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I think I should be clearer...I didn't really mean "karma" as part of any religious doctrine, but more along the idea of "Do unto others ..." or more to the point "What goes around comes around..." Do we have a free ride to be jerks to each other with no repercusions, or do our deeds, either good or bad come back and reflect on us? I guess that is what I meant by the term "Karma". So I guess that is still my question, but in a re-phrased form.

Do I believe in reincarnation? Honestly, I am not really sure.

What religion are you closest to? (includes wicca, pagan, atheist, Christian Atheist etc)?
I guess pagan or wicca...I believe that nature is spiritual and that all life is connected on a deep level. I also believe in the concept of a soul and that humans are not the only ones with souls. I was brought up as a Catholic, but I have rejected organized religion (No disrespect intended to those who have an organized faith)