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*me* pokes GGO/ didn't give your prediction, though, thus not fully answering the question ( Laughing out loud I make so many mistakes, who I am to point out those of others? Smile ) I saw the first 2 episodes of the newest incarantion that aired on scifi last Friday and I thought it was ok. I guess since StarGate and StarGate:Atlantis have discontinued for this season, what the heck, might as well watch. I barely remember The "old" Dr. Who even though I am much, much older than GGO as he so sweetly reminds me. Wink Well, I will finish up blabbing and answer the question...

"What show scared the heebeejeebees out of you as a child?"
This is another oldie "Kolchak, the Nightstalker"

Which is your favorite M & M candy color? ( I call red!!)