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Sharkull's picture

Self-fulfilling prophecies certainly do exist (psychologically)... if you think you will do badly at something, it's likely you'll find a way to do that something badly (sub-consciously).

The whole topic of prophecies is something I'm extremely sceptical about... because the existence of true prophecy / clairvoyance would be the negation of free will (something I'd have a hard time swallowing). If events could be reliably predicted (not scientific stuff, but things affected by human behaviour) then that would mean that free will was an illusion, and fate ruled our lives... no choices of our own, going through the motions of fulfilling a pre-determined destiny. Either we (as humans) are in control of our decisions or we are not... I don't see how there can be a middle ground on this subject. So, since I also think belief in fate can lead to nothing good, (an excuse for wrongdoing / sloth / helplessness...) I choose to believe in free will, and that the only affect prophecy has on reality is psychological.

Do you believe that fate (destiny) and free will can co-exist (and if so, how)?