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LoneKnight's picture

A. Nope, despite the fact that I am indeed a practicing Catholic (Christian), I believe that there is a chance we can 'come back' to life, as has been show. Some people have memories of previous lives, and therapists/hypnotists have been able to make dozens of regular, everyday people recall memories from lives that they once lived years before they were born. While the Christian religion says this is impossible, I keep an open eye. Indeed, if we come back, I have no problem with living my natural life span, as I will just come back, possibly.

It's on my to-do list to see a therapist or hypnotist to see if I ever was someone in a different life. Note also that most 'other lives' are of relations; most people come back in the same family tree. You could be your own father's grandpa, or something. Strange. Of course, it could all be a load of crap, nothing but wild subconscious imagination. We could go to an afterlife, or perhaps we just cease to exist; become nothing. Who knows? Only the dead.

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