Submitted by Loup_Ombrage on Tue, 2006-08-29 03:20
At current, my favourite subject is known as musicianship, or MSS in my school, (its a "performance music" class and we also gain credits towards our exams next year- normal music is MUS). Next year I'm going to take music (no MSS in year 11/form 4/insert-grade-here), computing and hopefully drama- English, a math course, and a science course (different levels, can't take different sciences yet).
At current, my favourite subject is known as musicianship, or MSS in my school, (its a "performance music" class and we also gain credits towards our exams next year- normal music is MUS). Next year I'm going to take music (no MSS in year 11/form 4/insert-grade-here), computing and hopefully drama- English, a math course, and a science course (different levels, can't take different sciences yet).
What subject do you like the least?