I was once stung by one, and it made me so angry, that i went and lit 30 wasp nests on fire (at night, when they are all inside), and i imagine that i killed about 1200 wasps.....
Go on, tell me that i should be ashamed... :P , well, im really not, they had it coming...
Anyways, my hands are stained with the...erm...yellowish blood of them, and i think that they may want vindiction for what i have done...
Oh yes, i hate wasps......
I was once stung by one, and it made me so angry, that i went and lit 30 wasp nests on fire (at night, when they are all inside), and i imagine that i killed about 1200 wasps.....
Go on, tell me that i should be ashamed... :P , well, im really not, they had it coming...
Anyways, my hands are stained with the...erm...yellowish blood of them, and i think that they may want vindiction for what i have done...
Q: Do you think that i went too far?