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Well, it is 10:00pm (est) Monday, March 20, 2006 and this was posted on SN as spposedly Witness's announcement.this is not what was there a week ago so I must infer it is the work of some puerile mind....

"And Now, Moving On
POSTED BY: WITNESS on SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2005 02:15AM After almost three years, it is time for me to part ways with Dungeon Siege. I could launch into a long, boring and unimportant speech about why I am moving on and discontinuing my work on Siege Network. I've got my reasons, but the only thing I really want to say is "I am a p###y" (censored by kathy)

Goodbye all "

So, I will take this to mean things are not on-track with SiegeNetwork. Too bad. Crying