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Sharkull's picture

Loup_Ombrage wrote:
I too have come to a conclusion, sort of, but it isn't one that I wanted to come to. It is a hard to believe conculsion, but its the only one I could think of... I won't post it just in case it doesn't turn out to be the person I think it is. I also have another idea but it is highly unlikely.

Thanks for not posting any names... and I'd like to ask that everyone do the same. The community has suffered enough recently, and we don't need to pile unsubstantiated accusations / rumours into the mix. If anyone has any evidence / concrete information pertaining to who may be doing this, please use the PM system to communicate details (instead of the forums).


kathycf wrote:
If SN is bing hacked and people's accounts are being deleted, is it still safe to download stuff from there?

A lot of downloads on SN are not actually hosted there, but linked to offsite download locations (like Filefront / FilePlanet...). Those will be unaffected for sure. Anything else theoretically could be tampered with, but doing so would be rather involved (much more so than just hacking into a database). Any mod files (dsres files) should be safe anyways, but downloads with exe's and dll's are the ones to be wary of... at any time (not just on a hacked site).