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serraavatar's picture

Thanks again for your attention and the quick reply bare_elf:)

At the moment the only mods I have are LoU 3.2 and Catmansion Adepts 3.09beta, all in the LOA folder.

I experimented with a few approaches (i.e. talk to Lititia with or without enough cash) but at the moment the only conversation that she delivers is "Thank you for choosing me. I wont let you down!".

However, I haven't thought about priority orders and I will see if a mod manager would solve the problem.

Something else I've noticed is that when I tried to play LoU + Catmansion Adepts using the LOAMOD (from Siege Editor) I got a bunch of errors. I set the system to ignore all the errors and was able to walk around the town but could not talk to anyone. I have zero problem if the game is executed from the default LOA shortcut.

I'm going to try hiring Lititia without the Adepts mod to see if there's difference. I'll keep you posted:)

With thanks:D