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Kathy I believe what Lord Ozron is asking is exactly what are you attempting to do. Lord Osron what Kathy is attempting to do using Cat Madsion character models is to take standard DS1 and DSLoA armor and make them display the correct skin color where ever the alpha channel is black and armor where ever the alpha channel is white. This has to do with how the Cat Madsion Girl meshes where created many years ago by HamCat I discovered that I could create the same effects with the Cat Madsion Boys by adding the same line of code to the world/global/skins/pants.gas file for both male and female characters. However there seems to be some additional change that I made to my personal version of Cat Madsion Adepts. I have been tweaking, modifying and altering it ever since Iryan and I created it many years ago. I have modified CMA and Legends of Utrae to a point that I am sure no one who was there when the originals where created would even see it as the same mod. I am currently not in a location where I can access files on my modding computer but when I am I will upload some screen shots of what we are talking about. Lord Osron you might like to download a copy of Cat Madsion Adepts from this link it is over 37 MB there might even be useful things you could use in your mod, so long as you remember to credit the creators.

edit Kathy what image editing program are you using? As I noted that your alpha channel images did not look exactly like mine mine gray scale and yours appear to contain more than just black and white.