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I received the game in the LoA expansion box, I did not have a previous version of DS1. LoA is 1.5, and DS 1.11.1. I tried the client updater, which crapped out on me.

I also browsed patches at DS Heaven and the Legend of Heroes website. According to what I read, the version that I have doesn't need patching. *shrug*

My version of Adepts is the same one available here. Maybe I should download a fresh copy and see what happens...besides my head exploding. Tongue

As far as mods, I did not have any running except Adepts, Legends of Utrae in the LoA folder also kat mansion and war shorts in resources.

You are super sweet to help with this but I don't want you to go to more trouble. I appreciate it, but don't feel obligated. Smile