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Shadow Watcher wrote:
I am surprised that BE did not point you to the link under DS Communities called Dungeon Siege - Legends of Heroes as it contains some of those files which originally lived on Witness's SiegeNetwork, Most of the SiegeNetwork's download links are dead but the forums are still there and contain tons of useful data.

Shadow Watcher

Welcome Araknuum to the site.

Gamefront has quite a few mods and maps for Dungeon Siege 1 and Legends of Aranna; &
Sadly they don't have much for Dungeon Siege 2.

Unfortunately GPG took a very long time to release the Editor for DS2 and I believe that kind of killed off interest. Plus MMORPGs were taking off in droves and meant a lot more competition for playing and modding time. When the original Dungeon Siege was released there was a void in RPGs, especially those that could be modded to the extent Dungeon Siege could be.

Making maps in Siege Editor 2 is very much like it was for the original game and it has a lot more potential as far as mapping goes. I suggest modifying existing regions at first to get a hang of how the editor works. If you imagine the maps being created by a thousand 3D jigsaw pieces, you would get an idea of what it's like. It takes quite a while to work out how all the pieces fit together (they're not particularly well organized in the editor) - making a flat boring landscape is very easy but making the natural environments of DS2 and LOA is particularly difficult and time consuming.

You can make brand new maps by creating a map and region within the editor and having the region consist of a single tile with a starting point (which the editor will place automatically for you). The copy an existing region as a prefab and load it within your map's region and attach it to the starting tile (the starting position may need to be moved elsewhere within the new region). Save the region, compile it and test it. Probably will be heaps of minor errors with broken triggers, etc, but should be playable. Understanding and fixing all of those errors will be educational as well. I used this process with a couple of regions I modified in DS2BW Adepts. One was quite extensively modified from the original region to become a new town with npcs, etc. It was far quicker to do that than to start from scratch, especially as I'm not really a mapper. I also extended two unused regions in LOA in the DS1 MapPack that were only partly completed and inaccessible to players, to be brand new regions for the player to play and explore within the game.

Darkelf has also made some mini maps for DS2 found here at Siege the Day. You could get some ideas from those.