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I had no idea about this..

Hey, I may be incredibly late. Maybe I haven't poked around in the Dungeon siege series nearly enough because I come to find that part of the official series isn't just Dungeon siege, Legends of Aranna, II, Broken world and Throne of Agony... (Nope, Three doesn't count, Sorry.)
No, there's also a comic called "The battle for Aranna" That actually depicts the Legendary Azunai vs. Zaramoth conflict.
On top of that there are movies?
In the name of the King
and In the name of the King 2: Two worlds

....I honestly had NO Idea about this, and I don't know if you guys did or not because I did a search and found only one topic about it and none of the regulars (I know of) Commented on it. (Unless I missed something) So I figured I'd share it.
I swear... I learn more secrets about a game nearly every time I get back into it.

So if you didn't know about these, well, make it a priority to see them and tell me what you think!

I hope it's on Netflix...