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Valley Peek 7.5 for Broken World


Valley Peek 7.5 for Broken World

place xvalleypeek75.ds2res in Broken World Resource folder but remove older ds2 valleypeek maps prior to loading this map as only one map with the same name can be present at one time.

Please note, better get a level 40+ character otherwise without a level adjuster ur party will wipe!
v1.0 - editted to work with DSII
v2.0 - added Radars, added more spawns to barrels and spawns to Rock Beasts.
v3.0 - changed the Rock Beasts to other Rock related beasties, changed barrels to spawn harder Bone Minions than previously, and changed Rock Monster barrel spawn to Mothra with Tiger Moth summons, suggest a level 40 or higher for this map
Note: this mod requires the Legendary mod for full functionality- available at the following link on this site -
v3.1 with siege editor added about 6 ice beasts, cause the map needs more monsters and I still cant get the monster tuner to save, changed back to the baby's having the deadly spells, key is to kill the matriarchs and then u wont have to fight the babies which are tougher than the matriarchs.
v4.0 began the process of adding npcs to the map, they don't talk yet, but its starting to look more like a town.
v5.3 added evil exploding Cows and Grey Chickens, added evil Pig, evil bat, raven and vultures.
added some mana and health bushes. Added Valdis. added Mimic summon, and a few other summons to the map, calling it v5.3 cause there have been 53 tanks of this map. Notes-Pig anim is buggy, Cow anim is buggy due to fact Cow uses different anims than ds1, so using ds1 anims. Hireable NPCs still don't work...
v5.9 fixed a few bugs added a few more bugs lol, added some lich and prairie dogs, changed a few npc, still more to do later
v6.2 bug fixes for Valdis and prairie dogs, tweaked the monsters a little, added ds1 skeleton but not sure Bones will join yet.
v6.6 moved starting positions out from original area, fixed a few monster spells so they wont break barrels, gave Son of Valdis some new spells and summons and increased his mercenary level health, changed some of the Rock Beast levels to be 40ish, hopefully they wont be level 21 now :p.
v7.5 moved starting positions back to barn as was having trouble with resurrection placing heros on the map not moving. Added Bloodlust the siren, added evil versions of the hireables and the evil pillow squad lol just for fun. changed 3 gray chickens to red and white chickens, changed the 2 mules to be evil kicking mules.

thanks to Arendo for the original Dungeon Siege map, for which Arendo deserves all credit for the actual map.

credit to iryan for Legendary mod and the Tiger Moth, Killer Gremal for the original conversion
