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DS2 Mod Manager

Hi guys,
My year at school is finished I passed my exams and I can finally go on holiday with my girlfriend. But because I have been away too long from you guys I don't want to go on vacation without a little gift for you :). I wanted to apply my knowledge from this year to a work, so I have been working this week on a Mod Manager for DS2 and Broken World. This is an early release of the project but I wanted to have some feedback on this in order to continue working on this when I'll come back.

So the program is simple you can add a mod and it check compatibility with already installed mods and you can choose to overwrite the existing mods and it modify the priority of the mods.

Warning : the mod manager doesn't work with the gold edition where you have DS2 and Broken World install in the same directory.

The program will have some bugs obviously, so if you can report any issues I would be thankful.
And if you have idea of what could be added to the program you are welcome as well.

Known issue : The program can throw an exception saying that you run out of memory, this is cause when scanning a mod in order to find the files into it. So if anyone have this problem please report it.

Here is the link, have fun. And please report bugs and ideas :).
