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Some mods can be mixed but some can not, the reason is that some mods change the same things. For example both Adepts and V-mod change the way that characters are created so they can not be made to work together, that is why you get the fatal error. The reason that V-and revived prevent some features from working is because they both modify those same features. If you read the read me file contained in both Adepts and Revived they will tell you this.

Therefore it can be said that some mods will work together and others will not. For example Adepts, Adepts_Cat-Glasses_v1, Legends of Utrae, Girl Armor all work together, but that is because iryan created both Adepts and Legends of Utrae, Adepts_Cat-Glasses was designed to work with the Cat Mansion Adepts heads, And I designed Girl Armor to work specifically to work with the cat mansion girls and boys. Their mesh is different than the standard DS1 Farm Girl and Farm Boy. Therefore Adepts_Cat-Glasses_v1 and Girl Armor will not work unless Adepts is also active.

You have to experiment with mods to see which will work together and which will not. If you have the read me files look at them to see what the mod changes if you find two or more mods that change the same things then you can be pretty much assured that they will not work together.
