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Ancient Gifts Renewal Dev Blog

Welcome to the Ancient Gifts Renewal Dev Blog :

As said on the Ancient Gifts post, I'm going to rework the mod. You should know that I'm to make the mod from scratch again in order to be sure that I'm not starting with buggy features. I'll try to keep track of every thing on here.

This blog will help me to have feedback with the community. I'll create entry at every steps I make to create new content for the renewal of the Ancient Gifts. Please post here when you want to give your opinion on any content of the mod or give ideas you have.

My github for you guys to have the latest updates.

Tools :
- WorldFxViewer
- RandomMapGenerator
- KeyHandler 1.0

Mods :
- Backpack
- Transform
- Clone
- Reputation
- Crafting
- Random Encounter
- Game Values Tweaking Menu
- Mod Config Menu
- Companions
- Multiple Powers
- Classes Selection
- Advanced Character Creation
- DS1 Spellbooks
- DS1 Spells
- FXAA Config
