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To Whom It May Concern:

Thank you for searching for and promptly responding regarding the requested music / sound effect file location. However, I’m afraid that the requested music / sound effect is distinct from the Zaurask Stronghold theme; while the aforementioned theme or generic dungeon / crypt music plays while one is traversing the stronghold in general, when one gets particularly close to the tomb of the Heroes of Arhok, that music stops playing and some music / sound effect file corresponding to the Heroes of Arhok starts playing. Correspondingly, the Zaurask Stronghold and Heroes of Arhok theme music / sound effect files play mutually exclusively, never one playing for more than a second or two in-game while the other one is.

In the attempt to facilitate my request, attached is a link to a Google Drive folder containing the excerpts of the requested music / sound effect as described of the YouTube video in the body text of the original request: As they are from a playthrough video of Legends of Aranna, they do not suffice for my purpose of being able to listen to the respective music / sound by itself, but may help in identifying the music / sound effect in question. In the folder, the requested music / sound effect plays for the entirety of the excerpts of “Let's Play Dungeon Siege, Legends of Aranna_ Chapter 4 - Part 6” and “Let's Play Dungeon Siege, Legends of Aranna_ Chapter 4 - Part 7” and in the middle of the excerpt labeled “Let's Play Dungeon Siege, Legends of Aranna_ Chapter 4 - Part 8” – other music being retained at the beginning and end of the last-mentioned clip to show how the in-game music changes as one approaches, walks past, and then takes one’s leave of the tomb of the Heroes of Arhok.

Thank you again for the response and I hope to hear from you and/or others in the near future with additional information or media toward acquiring the requested designated Heroes of Arhok music theme / sound effect. For reference, the designated Heroes of Arhok theme music excerpts seem to be playable within Google Drive as browsed in Firefox, but not in Safari (though they can still be downloaded from Safari) and I'm not sure about Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, etc.