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Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

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Araknuum's picture

Trial By Design

The last couple weeks have been very different from my norm. I've barely touched DS, except in the Siege Editor, mapping. I still have a thousand thousand questions about how DS works, how it can be used to make a game, and those questions are getting more specific as I imagine, and learn.

Is being Dead in Multiplayer, as a ghost, a game mechanic that can be used to complete quests or puzzles?

Can DS support more complicated animations? The kind needed in order to make more active FMV's or in game interactions?

Is it possible to put a globe around a map that displays sky and distant landscape? And can today's hardware and DS's software now dispense with The Fog in open areas?

Big questions... and I think the answer is beyond my current scope, and possibly beyond the scope of The Siege Editor.

I do know that I can do the mapping, and I have the story to follow. I can see it all behind my eyes, and I still have time.
