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How to make the Hud disappear in Dungeon Siege 1 and 2

Jeez.... I shure am doing a lot of posts all in a row here. Looks like I'm living up to my handle, Garthagain. I hope you are finding these posts helpful, or at the very least, entertaining.

How to make the Hud disappear in Dungeon Siege 1 and 2

To do this you have to use the Mod Exec. It doesn't work with the regular Exec.
1. Open the console with the tilde key.
2. Type in " bool gui "
3. Press enter
4. Exit the console.

There are things you need the Hud for; Talking to NPCS, Teleporting, Inventories, Etc. But as you can see from the Video, this console command is well worth using.

For more info on console commands get the " Release Executable Readme " posted by Ulyss on the Siege the Day Website.
