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"Triskaidekaphobia"-say that five times fast

Friday the 13th! OoOoOohhh, so spooky!

Triskaidekaphobia is a fear of the number 13. The origins of this fear are kind of unclear. Coupled with the unluckiness of 13 is the belief that Friday is unlucky day of the week, hence the superstitiously bad news day, Friday the 13. Best to just stay in bed.

Friday the 13th also happens to be a spectacularly bad day if you and/or your son drown in Camp Crystal Lake while teen camp counselors are making out and/or ignoring you OR if you happen to be a teen counselor heading up to Crystal lake to prepare it for re-opening after 20 years. (yes, that was a run on sentence, you darn grammar police).

Anyway, it is also very unlucky for you, the aforementioned teen camp counselor to ignore the bajillion warnings from weird but well meaning town folk to stay the hell away from Crystal lake.

so, if you happen to be somewhat stupid and ignore everything and everyone telling you to go home, just know...Things Will Not End Well For You.

Really, Friday-13th just seems to be a very unlucky day if you happen to just be a teenager, so try to avoid doing that.

And, well, *don't* have sex. Don't even think about sex! No such thing as safe sex if you happen to be a teenager on Friday the 13th, no matter what the year is.

Especially if you happen to be a camp counselor and/or an attractive blond girl with breasts of ample size. In fact, I would avoid camping and being a sex having teen like the plague.

But all is not lost, if you happen to be the semi virtuous Final Girl. If you aren't a girl (with any size bosom and/or virtuous) than I'm afraid you are just out of luck.

Have a nice day! Smile
