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So Lili, NO body hair at all? Does this include eyebrows? I mean, I used to get my brows waxed every six weeks because uni-brow (and it hurt like a mother smurfer!) and I'd hate to think of getting all of the eyebrows waxed. Youch.

Dungeon Raider! ghastely, I like the way you titled the page for that mod and part of the title makes for a good word game too. Try saying thatch, match and the other word six times fast. I think calling it a "tongue twister" in this context would be a wee bit suggestive though. Quest Wink

How much wood could a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck wood? Tongue

Merkin is a fun and somewhat out the ordinary word. Could be a scary movie, too.

Revenge of the Merkin 2: The Merkining.
Merlin rocks a Merkin: It's Workin'!

Both rated "NS" as in not suitable. For anyone.

Blargh, I'm obviously in a wicked silly mood tonight. Apologies all around and I guess I should log out, but one never knows...I could also stay and be a lurkin'! Shock

Okay, okay. I'm going and I promise to stop creating any more kerfuffles. *blush*