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as far as dungeon siege 1 this is how it goes:

you won't be able to repeat all the nis sequences because all the actors would have to go back to the original spot where the nis was "filmed"
so if you "filmed" the nis in town 1, but then tried to replay it in town 2 you would have to move all the required actors from town 2 to town 1 and then act the nis out again ... and this isn't considering what shocked said about nis commands being deleted afterwards

so the only way to realistically do this would have been to pre-record movies in dungeon siege formats (bik?) and then play them ... but that assumed dungeon siege 1 can play movies ... which if i recall correctly, it cannot while in game (though dungeon siege 2 can i believe) ...
so chances are this isn't gonna happen, sorry :\