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Moros wrote:

That looks like a good mod you've created there, it's a shame that you protected

the tank so we can't look at the files to see how you made it, any way my question is would

something like that work in DS1.

kathycf wrote:

So ChickenGeorge, are you planning to make a port of your potion mod for

regular DS? I'm just curious, and you do have some cool and creative ideas.

Thank you all for the interest in my mod.
I wouldn't know how to make this work in Dungeon Siege.
Lazarus is a complete rebuild of the Dungeon Siege engine.
Also I never play DS, or have never made a mod for it.
For instance I've never tested a mod in DS, but only in Lazarus.

This potion code is just a hacky rewrite of existing Lazarus 'status effect' skrit.
Stats in Lazarus are not the same as they are in are in DS.
Even though they are the same name they are not the same variables.
It may be because magic and leveling in Ultima V Lazarus is different.
Spells are not the same as they are in DS and have to be unlocked.
And Lazarus has an Avatar/Virtue system that is tied to attributes.
For this reason I could not barrow any standard or native code from DS component files.
Instead hacking Laz code to make this work.

The reason for protecting my tanks is a silly one, if not embarrassing one.
Years ago a 'friend' and I had a website for the first Diablo clone that was in 3D.
We made mods for this game and corroborated on everything.
When Dungeon Siege came out we began to branch out.
But my interest was exclusively Lazarus.
Then we had a fallout. Started a nerd war. Yeah, we were dorks.
But I still uploaded mods to the same website we shared.
And two of them had a strange problem.
One mod was in one town, the other mod was in another town.
Each town had a side mission that could no longer be completed if you installed those two mods.
In the code I went to the section of the contents for the game's side mission
and found something funny.
The contents had been deleted.
Not the code for the container, just it's contents!
If the code for the crate had been removed DS would have thrown an error.
This code was no where near where my code was in the file.
So I fixed it. But then it happened again.
The other mod that also happened to be in a town with a side mission had the same exact error.
In the code for the contents of a crate was deleted.
Not the code for the crate, just it's contents.
And this code was again no where near the code for my crate.
Sneaky. Twice?!! Well now I knew something was wrong.
I went back to the original pre-tanked folder/files and sure enough the code was correct.
In this case somebody had edited the file and re-uploaded it in it's place.
Not to be outdone, I had our site closed when he went out of town.
Stupid dork wars. Since then I protect the tanks but wish I didn't have to.

I also am willing to help somebody in any way I know how.
Which, by the way, isn't much.
And mostly Project Britannia workarounds.

I would give some GMax tutorials.
Only the guide I use is the SiegeUniversity
and it is more then capable of providing the needed information.