Increase Attribute Potions
for LOA & KOE
by ChickenGeorge
What is this?
Potions that will increase a stat.
Combat Magic,
Nature Magic,
Transfer half of one skill to another...
(So that you can develop your characters with multiple skills)
Where do I find them?
There is a traveling merchant
found all across the land,
that will sell you these potions.
How do I install?
For KOE: Place the CG_DS_LOA_Stat_Potions.dsres file
into your C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege\Resources folder.
For LOA: Place the CG_DS_LOA_Stat_Potions.dsres file
into your C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Dungeon Siege\DSLOA folder.
Some machines use the C:\Program Files (x86)\ file path
How do I uninstall the mod:
Remove that file from those locations.
Do I have to start a new game?
No. Maybe. I do not know too much about the Dungeon Siege engine.
From what I can see you do not.
Does it Interfere with Other Mods?
I haven't played KOE or LOA enough to know this.
The only files altered are the Map files for each region the
traveling merchant is found selling the potions.