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Moros wrote:

I ended up in Eldim this morning and had a quick play through but something was nagging me in the back of my mind, that's when I remembered what it was, I once played this map before, I never got out of Eldim as I never played it long enough and I also remembered I played it in SinglePlayer mode.

A quick search on the interweb and I found a link to that mod, its called "Myrosmap, This mod is a complete conversion of the multi-player map into a single player map. It also adds 5 NPCs for hire in the starter town. 2 are free, 3 cost money."
So I downloaded it and had a go with it, it works with the mod that I currently have running, the pm_fg_summons and all the starter gear that Suki starts with are all in her inventory and work as well, oh what a sunny day.
Anyway if you want to try it out I'll provide the link for you, it beats the hell out of messing around in multiplayer mode I can tell you, I gave it a scan and everythings in order, ps kathy, you can send me a Lamborghini in the post, it'll look nice alongside my Jensen Intercepter,_do_you_still_hav

Hmm, I rarely use the regular Utraen map. I just wanted to check out a few shop locations.

Thanks for the link to the Myros mod. I downloaded it for my Steam Dungeon Siege 1. For single player I like Iryan's Legends of Utrae. It's very good but it requires Legends of Aranna.

I had to look up Jensen Intercepter. I'm assuming your's is an older model? From what I could see most of them appeared at classic car shows. Pretty cool looking. Oh, thanks by the way.. Now I have that song stuck in my head! Angry

"A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
The medicine go down, the medicine go down" ...Guess what Moros? IT'S NOT DELIGHTFUL!!! I had to drink this nasty barium stuff and then had my stomach scanned. Boo!
