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i've been doing fine and keeping safe from covid

hi all!

its been a long time since i posted on here or touched the ds series. the covid-19 pandemic has certainly changed the world and our lives as well just like what happened to aranna in the ds video games. lol! it certainly feels weird to experience what happened in a video game also happen in real life as well, isnt it?

so that was my coping mechanism to deal with the stress and pressure of the pandemic. so for those of u who care about me, i just wanna let u know that i've been keeping myself safe from catching covid and i've been doing well so far. i have read some medical research articles on the internet that say catching sars and mers can lower your life expectancy by a few years or several years and i guess its the same for covid, so prevention is still better than cure.

singapore has been one of the few countries to contain covid well. we've had zero community cases for several days in a row continuously and with a vaccine coming, it looks like its going to be back to business as usual.

i hope those of u elsewhere have been keeping yourselves safe as well especially those of u in the US. please do post back here to let me know how u have been doing and if u have ever caught covid, what was it like? i'd like to know. keke...

since this is the time of the year to catchup with old friends, i just thought i'd post this blog message here to let those who care know that im doing okay. season's greetings to all at siegetheday and merry christmas!
