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having help during the grieving process is good. i know what it like to not have a will...i had to go through lawyer when my mom died and it was called an Estate, technically cant sell stuff yet...but if she is only person surviving her brother, as in no parents and he had no children, she may be able to get it all. but the irs likes your chunk of taxes. i can say she better off selling the small things like clothes, furniture before it has to go legal right. cause estates you have to list assets and stuff and the court has to know everything you sell and do.

but anyways... helping her was good... i didnt have help when i was grieving, i spent 2 years in anger and hopefully, your friend wont have to be angry or depressed, she knows she has a friend.

bare_elf wrote:

A close friend of mine's brother passed away from cancer. Over the past few weeks I have been helping her pack up her brother's things. Sorting through what is to be donated, packed up and moved to her house. Sold etc. It takes forever because one minute it is donate this no wait I want it no I do not have room, wait yes I do and then all the tears. Well we finally got things completed yesterday. At least I think we did. She has a lot of legal work still to do, because he left no will. I have done this a number of times for friends. I want to say no, but I always say yes.
