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the flood

on 29th July, at night there was tornado in a small town near me and the weather man would break on tv and talk about it.. at 8:30pm the sun was still out my creek was started raining and by 9:30pm had 4 feet of water in basement where my car was none the less i lost my only transportation to a flood...i called insurance (State Farm) i might add State Farm sucks so dont get them...been dealing with them for the last car was only worth 5k.....and most cars now are over all of August, i had very little help with my place, my lawnmowers were in the flood, i did manage to get someone to take me to a gas station and bought some oil and fixed one lawnmower but other was unable to fix.. so mowed 1 time in august...the flood left rocks everywhere so been picking up rocks with a wheelbarrow and hauling them back to a creek bed.. i still have no car.. but been looking at some under 4k online. i go over 2 weeks without going to a grocery store.. i have a friend that has took me 2 times and my neighbor helped me 1 time. i seem to run out of milk and bread alot, not sure why.

anyways enough about the flood... had issue with windows 11 it made the task bar and start menu not work so got it fixed today. Win 11 has its good and bad guess it will release in october.

i quit subbing to swtor, so i have more time for other things.

i see the new map is getting updated so will test it when next version is released.
