Odds and Ends: The Search for Blunt Objects
Submitted by Strider978 on Tue, 2006-06-06 23:59 | ||
If you were around the community back a couple of years you might remember a thread on Siegenetwork called 'Household Blunt Objects', I started that topic to get some ideas on some objects that would make some awesome weapons with which to go around crushing krug with, there were tons of good ideas and I was able to put together a couple of cool looking weapons. Mushy (Aka Shocked) hopped on board the project after I convinced him that he could model and modeled a couple of objects for me, and also figured out how to make inventory icons and made my life easier by making a bunch for me. Unfortunately life got busy and the project was shelved. Well I was cleaning off my hard drive the other day and was going through my old DS files (so many unfinished projects :oops: ) and I ran across the odds and ends files, my goal for the mod was to create 100 unique items and have them randomly drop. At the moment I have just over a quarter of that. So I decided to maybe try to start working towards finishing that goal. After that who knows? After putting some thought into it, I thought it might be interesting to turn this into a community mod, I would be willing to write a tutorial (Soon hopefully) on modeling basic weapons, I know there are a couple floating around already, but write one about my way of doing it and post it here. I would then love to see if people would be willing to submit models to this pack, and once it reaches 100, I would release it. The project would be created for DS1 then ported over to DS2, as the art files can go both ways. So if you’re even slightly artistic, I'd love to work with youto get your models into this pack and your name into the credits list. If your not artistic and want to help still, I hate doing .gas work and would love it if someone would go through the code files and balance the damages and defences to a somewhat realistic level. And finally I need ideas please please, please, post ideas of blunt household objects (size and obscurity is irrelevant) that are rigid, and that would be fun to smash krug with, in this thread. Give me a shout below or PM me, if you have ideas or are interested in helping . Cheers, Brady And you didn't think I wouldn't attach a image of some of the current objects did yah? forums: |
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Looking great so far. What about plates or mugs as thrown objects? Maybe a silver platter as a shield?
How about sports theme stuff? Hockey stick, hockey skate, tennis racket, baseball bat, cricket bat, golf club, barbell, skateboard / snowboard, ski, ski pole...
Footballs, hockey pucks and baseballs as throwing weapons (DS2)...
That is one stylin pink flamingo...:D
Hmm, what about a potato masher that launches ranged missile like potatoes?

I always thought a lipstick would make a good bludgeon.

I have no idea how to mod so I don't know if this is possible but...... can you make one weapon that can be equipped by everyone? Like say a hair dryer?
For an archer they can blow dry them to death.
Melee beat them with it.
And mages have magic fly out of it??
If you could that would be really cool. :2cents:
Was that a Trout or a Salmon?
Trout are reserved for Callisto, but a Salmon would be OK, (as are all varieties of Flounder, which provide a much better "slap").
P.S. did I ever send you the umbrella? I had a complete London stockbroker (bowler hat, pinstripes, briefcase and brolly) that I was going to toss into Abstraction, but never did.
The Teddy Bear of cuddly destruction.
The WeedEater of whizzing death.
The Toilet Bowl Plunger of drawing lives...
Hey, Kilarin! Long time, no see, mate!
A fantastic weapon would be a chainsaw.
What about the old-fashioned security weapon, the Burgler Bat? (primitive baseball bat, or a long stick). Perhaps a pencil or pen as a dagger, and safety pins or knitting needles.
And what about "home office" weapons (that haven't been used in Actuary Man)? Like a staple gun for a ranged weapon like a crossbow, or just a stapler, and CDs as throwing weapons, (which do work in standard DS, I remember plenty in Hyperborea and Mageworld).
A walking-stick staff (with a curved handle and a gilt foot). And a good ol' torch/flashlight... as well as being a weapon, perhaps a light script could be added to it?
Yeah, I've been away too long. was way past time I checked back in!
Welcome back Kilarin.
That was Xaa's work / code and I'm not sure if he ever gave permission for it's use by others... I am not aware of anyone else who created working throwing weapons in DS1 (but I haven't kept in touch with what was released in the last few years...).
[on topic]
How about a senior citizen's "walker"? I think it would be hilarious to see a granny character flailing away at beasties with her trusty walking aid.
...and how about the STOP sign as a shield?
Siege of the 3 kingdoms weapons pack 2 and 3 offer throwing stars,spikeballs, tridents and a few other types of throwing/ranged weapons. I like the idea of a walker as a weapon.
For that matter, what about a purse? I would love to beat some Krug over the head with a purse.
Play and/or watch the Evil Dead movies or video games and you will agree with me with no doubt.
/me looks at the topic title... and chainsaw != blunt to me. :P ...unless you're talking about grabbing hold of the chain 8O and swinging the engine portion around...
A tall pedestal lamp.
A ming vase would be great. Perhaps a fire poker and/or an iron could add fire damage... and what about thrown cream pies?
Oh yes, and a road cone
Ming vase reminds me of worms 2 :roll:
Yep. But I meant a "hitty" vase, and not an "explody" vase. But that gives me an idea.... although a "Concrete Donkey" spell could be a copyright breach.
And what about a guitar?

how about a bag of nickles?
*pokes Strider*
Hope you don't mind if I jump back in, I do have at least 20 items still that you might not have anymore. Also got the resource files somewhere...
Mushy my main man, would love to have you hop back in, hit me up in a PM with a list of stuff you've done recently so I can check if I have resource files for 'em or not.
Do you still have all the ones I did?
Nice to have you back...
As far as throwing weapons go, Iryan added them to revived and I borrowed his code (with his premission) so throwing weapons are already in the mod.
How about swinging a dead snake around? Maybe as a bonus it could have a % chance to poison.
A garden gnome?
A pineapple?
A joystick?
A feather duster?
This is ironic, but maybe having a health potion as a weapon? I can only imagine swinging around a huge bottle of healing fluid.
Beating enemies with a krug would be funny.
What about throwing gremals?
baby bottle
Scorch's head on a stick
A computer / monitor!
(I know it won't happen, but I can see it being lifted overhead and thrown two-handed...).

Well, if we go with a computer monitor, we might as well whip enemies with a mouse, and beat them with a tower, too. Unless you're using a Mac, of course.
If you are using one of those tiny macs that are the size of a clockradio, it could be a thrown computer.
......and what about one of those 19" mega laptops as a shield? 8O
Sports, eh? One time I had an idea for a tennis themed one. I created a model of a racquet in gmax, but the texture didn't go too well on it. Not to mention all that stuff about handles hurt my head.. so I put it on hold right there indefinitely.
Part of the theme was to make a service motion, and use that animation for the spells I was going to make. There were going to be special types of serves (each actually a spell). Can you imagine it? Going around blasting krugs with Sampras' serve motion =p
Alas, I suck at making mods =X
Anyone remember the Meat? (dropped by some Krug near Stonebridge) I was disappointed when it wasn't in DS2.
I always wanted to pick up a barrel and bash enemies over the head with it. And screw the Branch, how about a whole tree? And just for the heck of it, have a "bow" that's really a melee weapon. CDs as thrown weapons (it's possible in DS1, I saw a mod that had thrown weapons (knives, axes, exploding potions, etc.)). Signposts to bash enemies over the head with. Pillows. Rulers.
A Big Spike-ridden Cactus. Oh yes, and a Mac mini as a thrown weapon.
mmmmmm, maybe a briefcase?