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Merry Christmas to the Community!

techiem2's picture

As we all know the DS mod and information sites seem to be disappearing by the day.
So as a bit of a gift to the community I picked up several new domains the other day to be used for ds modding and information and such. Smile
I have a few ideas, but obviously I want input as to what kind of things we want to do/store/etc., so give me ideas so I can start figuring out how implement stuff!

The domains are:


info (wiki maybe?)
name (modder blogs or something?)
me (URL shortener maybe?)
tv (videos?)

Obviously multiple domains can point to the same content if desired, and email is easy to setup (either independently per domain or aliased to multiple domains).
I've still got a decent chunk of space on the VPS, and if that somehow starts running thing, I'll find a way to link it to my home fileserver. Wink

Merry Christams to all!

I will have to give it some thought and once I get the main computers working again I will post a few Ideas for what we can do. But thank you very much Santa Techie


That's awesome news indeed! You have done a tremendous amount for Dungeon Siege modding.

Tutorials and information from Siege University are good things to keep and we've almost lost everything there once before. I know I regularly visit Siege University for guidance on some of the more complex aspect of modding and we often have visitors here at Siegetheday who ask for modding help so tutorials are good to keep as well (though there's a good selection of those already here at this site).

There's a lot of Dungeon Siege mods already stored at Gamefront but as we know from Fileplanet's closure those type of sites don't always last forever. For Dungeon Siege 2 mods there's not much left on the net that I know of apart from here.

I hope you had a wonderful Xmas and I hope everyone else had a great one as well.

techiem2's picture

Yes, and I'm hoping that with me storing the data, what we add will be available for a long time.
I sync the VPS to my fileserver nightly as well, so if something happens to it I should be able to restore easily.

waa techie running a cloud storage service now? how much to rent 5gb of storage space from u? i got lots of ds gameplay screenshots and videos to upload! my ds stuff keeps yelling "save me!" at me everyday... Laughing out loud j/k

techiem2's picture

I have to get video and image storage services up first....

gldss_games's picture

My name is Gabriel.
I really like Dungeon Siege, feel at home!
If you need "space hosting", "domain. Tk" etc. .. do not hesitate to contact me:
I also have a lot of ideas.

The idea of some kind of Wiki is nice, and even if it's only a copy of the Siege University where each subject is (can be) linked to a blog or a forum thread - simply to rise the chance that (still) interested people can more easily find helpful information.

techiem2's picture

Ok, I got the wiki up.

I tossed up a few initial pages so the basic wiki tree structure I want to use is there.
I THINK after registration you can make/edit pages, but I'm not certain.
Let me know if I need to get permissions tweaked. :P

techiem2 wrote:
Ok, I got the wiki up.

I tossed up a few initial pages so the basic wiki tree structure I want to use is there.
I THINK after registration you can make/edit pages, but I'm not certain.
Let me know if I need to get permissions tweaked. :P

The wiki layout looks good. Maybe a section on Problems with specific operating systems and the games and modding tools would be useful somewhere in the layout
Or would that go in the ds1 and ds2 sections?
wikipedia does have a dungeon siege section maybe some of that would also be useful as to the story line and characters.


techiem2's picture

I'd probably put that stuff under the individual game sections somewhere since most of that kind of stuff is specific to the game version.

techiem2 wrote:
I'd probably put that stuff under the individual game sections somewhere since most of that kind of stuff is specific to the game version.

I agree that it looks good and is a very good idea.

Talking about Wikis, here's another one devoted to the series (contains DSIII too).

It appears to have a lot of useful information but like a lot of wiki pages, accessing that information is hard. Or perhaps I'm just stupid.

So please have an easily navigable structure that you can easily find what you're looking for or just for browsing. I enjoy just browsing through sites and information with no particular aim in mind. If that was done I'd certainly like to contribute to it.

There's a lot of information on modding that's just not publically available and nothing much is mentioned on Siege University about the differences or similarities between DS1 and DS2.

techiem2's picture

I've noticed that as well on wikia pages.
Many tend to have lots of good information, if you can find it.

So far I'm building out a skeleton of the site a bit here and there so there's something to work with.
I'll be adding navigation mods and such like I use on my main Wiki as well.

*Edit* OK, TOC mod added and TOC page created. As long as you follow the skeleton structure I've built (ds1:stuff and ds2:stuff), the pages should show up in the TOC.

techiem2's picture

I've disabled user registration on the Wiki due to a flood of spambots registering (looking like they're using mostly compromised email accounts), so if anyone other than Iryan had registered or wants an account, send me a message or email with the username and email and I'll make you an account.
I got tired of deleting 100+ invalid users every few days (I'm sure Lili knows that feeling all too well).