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Request for DAWN OF ARANNA files.

ravenloren's picture

Does anybody still have the DAWN OF ARANNA siegelet still on their PC or disk?

If anyone one could send or upload it - I would be much appreciative.

Thanks in advance!

I looked for it in the wayback machine and past multiple pages on Google.. and couldn't find anything other than links to the site that's down. The chances are against you, but I hope someone can retrieve it anyway.

I've checked around also. Their project site is down, and other sites I've found have no information regarding the mod beyond a few paragraphs of generic information. Sadly, many such ambitious projects get scrapped not for lack of talent, but because of the sheer amount of time/work involved in finishing it.

Perhaps there are still some files left on my old computer, I can check that at the weekend.

I never was really involved in the DoA development though, however I offered the DS1 terrain pack and gave some test feedbacks about the Alpha version (don't think it ever reached Beta status!?), so maybe there's something left.

ravenloren's picture

Here's hoping. DOA was a fun & interesting project map. I hope you can find some files.

I've found a DoA related folder, the content seems to be from Oct/Nov 2008.

So far so ...good(?), and actually I was able to run the map in v2.3/BW (which the map was originally made for), but some flaws and lacks are evident. Probably I can get it back to v2.2 resp. DS2Mod to see what the logs are telling about.

Also the circumstance that this map was obvisously focused on the German players may sometimes cause a quite bizzare language mix in-game (and underneath, technically) - currently not really sure how to deal with it...

ravenloren's picture

It is great that you found some workable files - thank you for checking. Any help getting the files uploaded is much appreciated. I do read & write a little German (not well - but well enough), so language is not so much an issue for me.

The DOA map has so much potential.

I'd like to experience it too; upload?

Eksevis wrote:
I'd like to experience it too; upload?
Should you count on my upload I have to postpone that work for a (good) week since some critical examns are going on currtently.

As experienced (when playing the map as I still have it - no real version number obvious) some minors errors are evident (which I would like to fix at least), and perhaps google-trangslating it into english (with some rechecks, to be less generic) should be possible - it just needs some time...
...which I currently should spend elsewhere. Insane

PheoniX had said something about the Dawn of Aranna project in a past forum on this site, although he said in that forum he didn't have a copy of the latest version at that time.
PheoniX also posted a link to a youtube video in one of his blog entries, the channel probably being Volkan's based on the name.
Volkan also commented on that forum.

Being the type to make huge leaps of logic, I decided he might have more information on the topic if one could just reach him.
The last activity I found on that channel was an addition to one of his playlists in 2015.
Sent him a message, he might have some insight. Maybe. Maybe not.

ravenloren's picture

I appreciate your efforts in this matter. Please take all the time you need. It is an excellent map with much potential.

Raymus wrote:
PheoniX had said something about the Dawn of Aranna project in a past forum on this site, although he said in that forum he didn't have a copy of the latest version at that time.
PheoniX also posted a link to a youtube video in one of his blog entries, the channel probably being Volkan's based on the name.
Volkan also commented on that forum.

Being the type to make huge leaps of logic, I decided he might have more information on the topic if one could just reach him.
The last activity I found on that channel was an addition to one of his playlists in 2015.
Sent him a message, he might have some insight. Maybe. Maybe not.

I sent an email to Belagerer as he was the last one working on DOA. He had gotten more finished that was never released. Waiting for a response back and hoping he still has access to the mod. Have been out of touch with team DOA since 2011.

ravenloren's picture

Thank you for sending the links

I have sent a request for access to the file
Looking forward to the game.

Uploaded DOA mod files to site. Sorry for inconvenience at mediafire.

ravenloren's picture

Thank you for the uploads.

If somebody else is generally wondering what 'Dawn of Aranna' is all about:
Forum posts:

I myself was only marginally involved, mainly only with testing DoA resources here and then.
Now folder names on an older hard disk indicate that the content inside seems to belong to an Alpha 3 or 4 release - or at least, this is how I named it once.

So I have checked the latest DoA related forum posts with Belagerer and LANBoss/DavyJones from 2011/2012 but there is no reference on any version number or date of resource files.
Project site is offline too, also no life signs so far form these two guys...

Amazingly however, these folders cover 14 regions - 6 regions more than the Alpha 2 did.
And considering the critisim of having foreign languages (mainly because of special chars) in core files, I translated it widely in 2011, hence the content is generally in English, but still with full German language support (should German be the installation language):

--- Edit:
I was able meanwhile to contact LANBoss (aka. DavyJones, one of the co-creator of DoA) who approved uploading the DoA content found on my drives. Smile

After some (rather painful) translation work (it's not really amusing to get a foreign/game-code-untypical language with special characters out of all the logic/map files in order to get the native translation method running) it's now English too (actually, English basically but still with additional German language support if this is your installation language).

However I have put all in one tank, with some soft correction concerning possilbe conflicts with existing mods:
Dawn of Aranna, Alpha 3f (55.1MB, for DS2 v2.3/addon, ReadMe)

Additionally reqired resources:
Terrain Pack and DS1 Objects+Sound Fix (or the Legendary Mod instead, should work too)

Feel free to post bugs or suggestions, and personally I feel responsible for this download though but not really this project itself - it just would be a pity if all this work would be lost and forgotten.
Remind however this project is still in an alpha state - many things are probably not on the level as you would expect from a final mod/map. Nonetheless already now it's quite enjoyful, so let's hope this project will be carried on once.

Thanks KillerGremal I downloaded the map earlier today and gave it a try. Looks good, can tell it is alpha but still great fun. Wish the project would get restarted. Will play more and enjoy it.

Well, its early state may be perceptible, but we should remind it's the 2nd big mapping project started in 2008 ('soon' after Erthos Struggle from 2006).

That's a remarkable pioneer work, and getting the addon-incompatible SiegeEditor to work with nodes and specially objects from Broken World must have been quite demanding already.