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Talon Revisited

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

The Siege of Snowbrook Haven, Part 2, Ballista vs. Talon the Dragon.



Sharkull's picture

Nice pic. Smile

Are those DS1 Drakes I see?

DS1 Drakes helping Talon = Cool

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Yes, they are DS1 Drakes, but they're not helping Talon. I'm using Elys' Succubus mod (as I almost invariably do in DS2 and BW), which allows the player character and/or his/her party members to obtain additional summoning spells, including "Summon Green Drake" and "Summon Black Drake."

There is at least one other mod used in this picture, though the picture is so small that its influence may not be detected here. I'll be adding more shots as I work my way through the game again with this new character, including more examples of territorial standards and a little more possible artwork (I found some in the Snowbrook Grotto!).