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Missed this pretty picture on my first time through Broken World. :rip: Smile



Sharkull's picture

I wonder if that hurt? :goofy: It certainly left a mark. :P

PhoeniX, was that of your making? Wink
Such bad behaviour.

It's just before you get to Lorethal's tomb. You can see on the map about where it is. }:)

Giovanna_del_Arco's picture

Looks like the work of Vlad the Impaler. A lot of the imagery in Broken World is very shocking -- some of it obviously so, some of it requiring closeup camera shots. I guess this is what got the Mature rating for Broken World, although DS2 also has a Mature rating and is much less gory.

If GPG wants to push the envelope a bit on the M rating, I would personally prefer more flattering attire and perhaps some suggestive themes, and less gore (that is, less gore than is in BW, because the DS2 level of gore is relatively tame).