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aranna legacy and hotfix compatibility

recently i tried playing the ds1 maps in original ds2 and it worked great. Then i tried it with hotfix mod instead of level adjust mod. Didn't go so well... (first krugs were at lv17), so i tried the two mods together. For some reason the experience to get to lv1 skyrocketed, i even got to the skeleton caves before lv1 melee. Tried moving all maps to broken world and using aranna legacy mod instead but had similar results. What hapenned, and is there a way around this?

I had the same issue. Sad !! i had to kill nearly 500 mobs to level up from 0 to 1. very low exp rate. wonder if it is suposed to be like that.

Thanks for the feedbacks.

Several functions are involved to get the final experience value so I've made a more detailed test yesterday. And actually, depending on the modified game content, there really may be a serious experience lack caused by the Aranna Legacy mod. Sad

I didn't notice it myself because I usually work already on another mod when I'm testing the previously finished one (to find out potential conflicts as soon as possible). Evidentially this work manner has some drawbacks too, however I'm going to fix this bug within the next days.

It works, it finally works! Thanks man ur a lifesaver. I've started playing again though i'm alternating between ds2 mostly and ds1 somewhat, so it's slowgoing. Level adjust mod is actually making ds2 better than the default. There's another mod that enables it in the default maps. By the way, is there any way to improve drop rate for uniques and sets for personal use?

Not sure if this was covered before, but there's this summon for
Nature/Combat Mage and Combat/Nature Mage called Harpy. For some
reason, using either Hotfix or Aranna Legacy the summons life
constantly drains. They keep re-summoning after it dies in seconds,
I don't think this is normal behavior. Can anyone look into a solution
to this.

P/S: If there is really a problem could you post the problem part
of the code with a solution code? Fixes may need time and I'm almost
about to start Broke World when I finally finish Valdis!
(...In act3 ch7 now...)

leocreed wrote:
Not sure if this was covered before, but there's this summon for
Nature/Combat Mage and Combat/Nature Mage called Harpy. For some
reason, using either Hotfix or Aranna Legacy the summons life
constantly drains. They keep re-summoning after it dies in seconds,
I don't think this is normal behavior. Can anyone look into a solution
to this.

P/S: If there is really a problem could you post the problem part
of the code with a solution code? Fixes may need time and I'm almost
about to start Broke World when I finally finish Valdis!
(...In act3 ch7 now...)

It's a while though, but I think this no bug, this happens by intention.

Most probably your skill levels in nature magic and combat magic are too low or too different, producing a summon with very low stats and even negative life regeneration.
Dying right after its creation is a bit cruel indeed, however the mana used for casting should be (partially) given back in this case.

Retry it later when both magic classes are more in balance, this will be significant for the summoned harpy.


By the way, if you are in act 3 now, buy all Prismatic Baubles you may get from the reagent seller.
Perhaps you want to make Magic-Find rings once, then it's good to have these reagents ready.

Anyone figure out a workaround for visiting the falls first time? It still keeps getting stuck at the bridge near the ghost where there's an animation sequence!

Checked round the forums n found that warhound mod was the problem, so i removed it, went to the falls, saved, then put it back. Wonder why it affects that area though...

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Indeed this bug is caused by the War Hound pet mod - basically.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce this bug myself until now, and there's actually another work-around: You would need to install the Utrea content pack (~14mb) for the time being (removing the War Hound pet mod may be quite critical while such a pet is in your party).
I'm going to rework this pet mod to be independent again.

By the way, this area was originally intended to hide a War Hound because I was uncertain about the quest integration. Since a long time however there's hidden something else although I think most players never really found it.
From this point of view I also could remove this secret again, but it's a cool place so I've decided to add a little NIS.