Correctly installing the Legendary Map Pack
Submitted by bare_elf on Mon, 2014-05-26 17:44
How to correctly install the Legendary Map Pack Mod.
1.Verify that Dungeon Siege 1 is installed and has been patched to 1.11.1462
2.Verify that Dungeon Siege 2 is installed and has been patched to 2.2
This must be done prior to installing the mod as down revision versions of the game will prevent it from working.
3.Download the installer for the mod as this will install the new files and correctly process the necessary Dungeon Siege 1 files. You can do the process manually but converting the Dungeon Siege 1 files can be tedious and you can even convert the wrong files.
After the games are patched and the mod has been installed by whatever process verify that DS1_objects.ds2res has been renamed Objects_DS1.ds2res. If it has not been renamed rename it manually or use the batch file included in the download package to rename it.
Now using the included Elys Allsaves start the game and see if it works. If it does work go to the forum and check for any files that are a newer revision and download them replacing the out of date versions. Again check to see if the game properly starts for each of the maps included. If it does you are good to go.
If you still have a problem come back to the forum and post the following:
1.Version of Windows being used.
2.List everything in your DS2 resources folder along with the revisions of each file. This is really necessary as some very odd things can prevent the mod from working.
Such as:
not updating the games prior to installing the mod
if you convert the files manually and you have DS LoA installed and you converted Expansion.dsres instead of Expansion.dsmap
if you do not rename ds1_objects to objects_ds1
you updated the various files but missed one such that you have an out of date file
you have a mod installed that has been proven to conflict with this mod.
The more you can tell us about the problem the easier it will be for us to debug it. |