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Elf Smoke Jumper

Hi Ghastley,
Here is the chain saw that this smoke jumping elf used to use -- prior to almost getting turned into an ash pile.

That trip I am glad that Dog and Red where back at the base camp. Oh Ghastley how many bunnies are there in the rescue map?

I wonder how many people that are still here remember that map or have played it?
Maybe I should start a poll or is that a pole and find out how many people remember the map, have the map, or played the map.




I remember the Halloween map, is that the rescue map?, I remember testing, had to rescue animals. I still have it on harddrive, was on Herena it on this site too? Rescue Map 07 was last version I downloaded was like 30mb

The Rescue map has a private forum here, (with links that probably don't work any more). It never got generally published. Could be if the elf gives her OK. Rescue map page on my site. Please ignore the nekkid images of the elf - I am reliably informed that the real thing is higher-poly than the model used in the game.

I still have the file on my server for download, and yes, 07 was the latest. Does anyone remember if that one worked, or if it got bugged? There were issues that made it hard to start a new game, and I don't recall if they got resolved. Most testers had a character already started, and didn't get affected, but if nobody can start the map, it's useless.

However, the crossover of content with the Halloween Special is minimal. The summon Red and summon Dog spells produced the same characters, but that's all they really had in common. I don't think I even brought the frog across.

Edit: Yes, the links are mostly broken, referring to the old .asp pages (a bad way to do source includes, which I've dropped). Most will work if changed to .html instead.

I didn't have a bunny creature model (only the cocktail waitress one) so it didn't have any. I thought I had a complete creature count somewhere in the Project Forum, but couldn't find it.

I did have four kittens, but Dog found those, not the player.

From the in-game pictures -
Cats (all kittens found by Dog)
Others - I don't remember what these were, but I think there was at least a frog, but no bunny. My site's page suggests a ram and a gecko, too.

The angry tree wasn't counted, as it didn't get rescued.

loaded up the rescue map map, gotta remove some mods to play it though, but at least it still loads

ghastley wrote:
The Rescue map has a private forum here, (with links that probably don't work any more). It never got generally published. Could be if the elf gives her OK. Rescue map page on my site. Please ignore the nekkid images of the elf - I am reliably informed that the real thing is higher-poly than the model used in the game.

I still have the file on my server for download, and yes, 07 was the latest. Does anyone remember if that one worked, or if it got bugged? There were issues that made it hard to start a new game, and I don't recall if they got resolved. Most testers had a character already started, and didn't get affected, but if nobody can start the map, it's useless.

However, the crossover of content with the Halloween Special is minimal. The summon Red and summon Dog spells produced the same characters, but that's all they really had in common. I don't think I even brought the frog across.

Edit: Yes, the links are mostly broken, referring to the old .asp pages (a bad way to do source includes, which I've dropped). Most will work if changed to .html instead.

Hi Ghastley,
I do believe that the rescue map version 07 works. I think putting it on the site here would be okay so long as there is a warning about nakidness. The real elf does have a much higher polly count than the one in the game, or at least I have been told so :P I think the halloween map would be a great addition to the site also.



Shadow Watcher's picture

Am I missing something? So it is now bare_elf the chain saw parrot killer?

just kidding

Already here in the LoA Maps & Sieglets section.

I'll put the rescue map in BW, because I think it needs some of the content, but it may work with just DS2.