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Broken World.

ACTUALLY beat Broken World for the first time. Holy crap. I got pretty far before, but I don't think I managed to defeat the second surgeon and I gave up. I didn't appreciate challenge in games 2 years ago as much as I do now. And it wasn't until recently I dedicated the time to it.
I feel pretty accomplished. See, Dungeon Siege isn't actually that difficult of a game, all things considered. It's fair, and although there may be your odd balancing issue or difficulty curve, it's generally pretty consistent.
My fist of stone is unstoppable. Took on Zaramoth Reborn with only Taar and her summons to back him up. Everyone else kept dying during.

I have a whole new appreciation for the power that makes the summon's cause explosions. Considering Summons generally act like they're on Rampage mode, they are usually pretty spread out which is EXCELLENT for crowd control.

Talk about gore. It's almost as much as Waves of Force.



I think DS2 is an arpg classic Smile . I'm surprised it was so underrated.

2nd Surgeon was probably the hardest monster in BW, even Zara wasn't as hard, that surgeon has a fast heal rate and the summons keep one busy enough it just hard, I quit many times at that area. And yes summons are on Rampage mode- they have a mind set to move freely, which can be dangerous with big mobs, esp ones that do group attacks like some of the morden

Raymus wrote:
ACTUALLY beat Broken World for the first time. Holy crap. I got pretty far before, but I don't think I managed to defeat the second surgeon and I gave up. I didn't appreciate challenge in games 2 years ago as much as I do now. And it wasn't until recently I dedicated the time to it.
I feel pretty accomplished. See, Dungeon Siege isn't actually that difficult of a game, all things considered. It's fair, and although there may be your odd balancing issue or difficulty curve, it's generally pretty consistent.
My fist of stone is unstoppable. Took on Zaramoth Reborn with only Taar and her summons to back him up. Everyone else kept dying during.

I have a whole new appreciation for the power that makes the summon's cause explosions. Considering Summons generally act like they're on Rampage mode, they are usually pretty spread out which is EXCELLENT for crowd control.

Talk about gore. It's almost as much as Waves of Force.


The one you see at the end of the tunnel, Either way you look.

I don't remember it being particularly difficult (I played with Fist of Stone premade because my first character/party got lost during the wait), but it was 8-9 years ago

My absolute favorite thing to do is a combination of the powers of four different hero's, all at once. Sometimes five, depending on if I've got Vix in my party or not. And when I finally got Ressa, it became a tad bit MORE devastating, although granted I did have a more confined area to pull it off in.

First; Ressa uses Rune of Sacrifice (I think? It's the one that makes your powers stronger but recharge slower when in the big circle that spawns)

Second; Taar or Deru use Gravity stone. Usually Deru.

Third; Now that they're all clustered up, it's time to destroy stuff. Raymus uses Waves of Force in a position that will hit all of them, and Taar's summons will explode. (I forget what that power is called too..) If I have Eva in the party, add another Waves of Force to that. If I have Vix, use the power what throws his weapon into the crowd and then it hits a bunch of others or something.

Fourth; Take a shower to wash off the blood n' chunks of bodies.

I don't know why, but every time I eliminate a truly massive entourage of critters this way, I feel all giddy and accomplished. xD

But it's not the only option... In fact, Corrosive Eruption is just infinitely more useful than another wave of force, and when you only have one (part) combat mage...

I use it on my Deru (Blood Assassin), Lothar uses the gravity stone, PC uses the waves of force, leaving Taar free to pop invulnerability, summon provoke, or (when I'll have it) aether blast, but most of the time, her power is left untapped. This can kill any miniboss with a sufficient number of minions around it.

With my mage party, it's sometimes shortened to Gravity Stone->Drown->Corrosive->2xStatic+2xFrostBeam. As soon as the first monster dies, it becomes a chain reaction as the Drown-boosted corrosive eruption usually kills at least one other mob, and the rest are guaranteed to die from that. (for extra evil points, it was done against Vai'kesh)